Posts by marzoid

    Oops, just noticed the banner at the top, mentioning that this section is for working scripts only. Mod, please feel free to move to correct section....

    Just an FYI to folks on my posts above, i did finally manage to get crond startup after reboot. Per the previous post, i did have issues with cron and getting scripts to execute, and secondly getting crond to startup automatically after a reboot. Found a site, that was sharing info on how it would work with Red Hat / Ubuntu and linux versions on PC...

    The one that worked for me was

    update-rc.d crond defaults


    Ok guys, i'm almost there....

    After alot of reading, and testing, it seems i was trying to do too much. Since i'm running oscam and cccam, i thought that if oscam crashes, i would need to kill both oscam and cccam and then restart both, but seems not.

    When oscam crashes, cccam still keeps on running (in my case at least). The only reason you would want to stop cccam and then start oscam first and cccam second, is so that cccam doesn't grab the reader before oscam. ( i think)

    So when my oscam was crashing, and cccam was still running, the reader was still in oscam's hands (so to speak). So all i'm doing in the script is killall oscam, (just to be sure, oscam is dead), and then restarting oscam with -b.

    My other problem was creating the cron job. That took a while. Was puting cron files all over trying different directoris, and then figured out that editing the root cron file in /var/spool/cron/crontabs did the trick. Now my sh file is running every 5 min.

    My final problem is that i have to run crond through telnet for the scripts to work. But if i have to reboot my DM800 then the scripts won't run any more, because crond is not starting automatically.

    So need to figure out how to get the DM800 to start crond on boot up...


    Good day. Have been going around in circles, trying to get a oscam / cccam check script working, as my oscam has been crashing twice a day at odd hours

    I first tried the script that checks the "web interface" but when i run the script i get an error that "curl" does not exist. Not sure how to extract the curl file from the library, and which library, so instead am now trying the one that checks the process.

    The script below doesn't seem to be working, because if i manually stop oscam, and then run the script oscam doesn't start up. The funny thing is if i run the four commands manually via telnet (kill oscam, kill cccam, start oscam, start cccam) , it works and oscam and cccam does start, but via the script it doesn't work

    This is what i have so far

    process=`ps auxwww | grep oscam | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'`
    if [ -z '$process' ]; then
    echo "Couldn't find oscam running. Restarting server-binary" >> /var/log/oscam.check
    nohup killall CCcam_2.3.0 >> /var/log/oscam.log &
    nohup killall oscam-v8a >> /var/log/oscam.log &
    nohup oscam-v8a -b >> /var/log/oscam.log &
    nohup CCcam_2.3.0 >> /var/log/oscam.log &
    #sh /usr/script/
    #sh /usr/script/
    echo "oscam is still OK!" >> /var/log/oscam.check

    Any help is appreciated



    Have tried looking for info on this but can't seem to anything.

    I have two c: lines, each with different sid's but same provider

    C: line 1 has sid's 000A, 000B and 000C
    C: line 2 has sid's 000C, 000D, 000E and 000F

    Problem comes when i am zapping channels. If i change tv channel to 000D, it takes long to get picture, because cccam first tries C: line 1 to see if the sid is available, then it tries C: line 2

    Is there anyway i can configure the C-lines, to only use C: line 1 for certain sid's and C: line 2 for other sid's



    You said you used DCC. Have you tried dream Up instead ?

    I also have a box that can't be flashed. Even with dreamup, when you startup the DM you should get a message saying Box DM500 detected or something like that. The image thats on the DM still works, but it cant be re-flashed.

    I did read somewhere that you can use a JTAG to recover some dreamboxes, but not sure if the DM500 is one of them

    Here in Africa, the provider's it looks like have put an end to c/s. First with the introduction of tw-eak keys on the ird-eto 2 system, and now the swopping out of all old ird-eto cards to the new premium cards that have anti control word sharing, added with card pair-ing. Not sure if this means the introduction of i***** 3 , but time will tell.
