Posts by GarryF

    Hello everyone

    I have searched every forum that I could and still cannot get the transcoding function on my VU+ Duo 2 to work.
    I have set the port forwarding on ports 80, 8001, 8002 correctly I think.

    Please see below screen shots of my current configuration. I have a dyndns account and can connect to my synology server from outside my network no problem, but for 2 weeks I have been trying to connect to my VU+ with no success.
    I really hope someone can put me out of my misery, as I must be doing something wrong.

    Thanks and hope in advance


    I have recently purchased a nbew VU+Dou2 with black hole image. It is an upgrade from a TM twin running vix hades
    It came installed with Mgcamd 1.35 but will not clear anything encoded in N3. Everything else is fine
    As I am new to this forum I am wary of what I should provide to allow you to help me out.

    Also I am quite new to all this so your patience is much appreciated in advance


    Hello everyone. I am not sure if I am posting this in the correct section. Mods please move if not.
    I have recently purchased a new VU+Duo 2. It came with latest blackhole loaded. It replaced a TM Twin running latest Vix.
    The newcamd list is the same on both receivers, both running the same mgcamd, however the VU will not clear certain channels that the TM will?

    Not sure if I can mention which ones so will take advise and give more info if required.

    To say this is driving me mad is an understatement.

    Your help and input would be greatly appreciated
