Posts by Blessedyouth


    Could anyone explain what the main differences are between Debian06 and Ubuntu 12.04 64bit, why you would choose one or the other for building a Linux server?. Appologies in advance if this is a "newb" question just can't seem to find those answers in this forum?. Been building Windows based machines for a very long time, bought a VU+ Duo about 18 months ago.

    Thank you very much in advance BlessedYouth (silent "H")

    Hello to everybody, been a member for a few months now; been very usefull (VU+ Duo), thanks. This is my first post,

    Recently bought an Ariva 102e for a friend, could not get Newcamd to work at all (I got as far as pinging the server), ccam works fine, has anyone got the Newcamd client to work?, I also assumed there would be a Epg of some sorts which I can't seem to find?.
    Any ideas/help would be appreciated

    Thank you very much BlessedYouth