Posts by coopie21

    Hi Everyone,

    I need some HD help, I know that no sly HD works, however, i cant get ITV2, 3 & 4 HD working and i think its due to my entitlements because im paired to a SD box. But i see a lot of people still have these working? What box are they using and how can i resolve this problem.


    Yeah that's what i thought,but ITV 2 HD seems to be checking my card, i saw online a second ago that you need a sky HD entitlement do get this, but why would that be the case if its not a sky channel? i obviously don't have HD entitlement because it doesn't work any more (unless im wrong and out of date n the HD thing)

    Hi Guys,

    I'm trying to view a few free to air channels but they keep checking my card and saying not subscribed, these are not sly UK channels but yet it seems its checking my card to see if I'm entitled to them, yes they are HD but not sky HD what could be my problem?


    Hi Everyone,

    Not sure what category to put this under but basically I'm missing BT Sports, now yes I can pay for it at £20 a month from BT directly or if I was a BT customer it would be £5 a month, does anyone know a better way of getting access to this on my oscam/sly uk card?

    I don't mean I want it for free I want to know the best place/cheaper than £20 a month I don't mind paying etc.

    Thanks in advance

    Hi, I have 2 requirements and I'm wanting to know the best boxes to use at a fair price.

    First requirement is basic box no HDD that will run the blue HD guide to look like sly UK.
    Second requirement is a HDD Recordable box to record 2 channels but also using the blue HD sly UK skin.

    What firmware is the sly UK skin for? openvix or something else? I'm new to this, I normally use V8S but I'm wanting to get better boxes now I have my server running correctly.

    Thanks in advance guys/gals

    Hi Master,

    I've got a OMNIKEY instead of the smargo v2, do you think this is a good move or worse?
    I've not got it installed yet till I finish work but is there anything I need to do to install this correctly?

    Finally, every so many days its like the service is crashed and ECM's show at 3000ms, soon as a service restart is done everything is back online, any recommendations?


    Thanks for you reply,

    I've downloaded the Smargo Tool (didnt know about this), but I cant seem to make it execute, chmod a + rx?

    Hi Guys,

    Yesterday I popped on to oscam monitor and my clients were pinging at 3000ms and no channels would work, all I did is restart the service oscam and it started working again.

    By standard all mine run at 204ms, is there any way of improving this? and is there any reason that it went that high, I only have 4 accounts on it. CPU level is running at 0.7% on 1 core.

    Processor: iCore 7
    Memory: 8GB RAM
    OS: Ubuntu
    Software: OScam
    Broadband: VIVID 200mb Virgin Media fibre
    Reader: Smargo V2
    Account: Sky

    I was reading on-line about ecm etc, I have nothing like this set in my config, am I missing something?

    Thanks in advance.

    - - - Updated - - -

    label = vusat
    description = VUSAT
    protocol = smargo
    device = /dev/ttyUSB0 (i did try change this to normal lsusb details 001:002 etc but didnt run)
    smargopatch = 1
    showcls = 0
    boxid = 06DC****
    detect = cd
    mhz = 600
    cardmhz = 357
    group = 1

    Is there any more settings i could do with on here or any that needs removing.

    Okay i will try then when i get home from work.

    If there are no services with this stop all channels?

    What does srvid do?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Hi Master.

    SyFi started working but Sky Atlantic and Sky Living doesn't work.

    Atlanic+1 works though.

    Where can i get a nice up to date service list and svrid list?


    Its a skybox f4 or f5 cant remember, yeah its a new scan then a new channel list dated this week as been inserted via USB stick.

    I gave up on the HD channels but still a few of the normal channels are not working. Also trying to find a cheaper way to get BT sports as well, £19.99 is a bit too much in my opinion.

    Does services or srid have any effect on channels been scrambled at all?

    Hi Guys,

    I've just started to do all this card sharing, since I know ubuntu i thought i would give it a try. All is well apart from some normal channels are scrambled.

    A few I am missing is Sky Atlantic, Sky Living, Sci-FI etc. Since all my other channels are working Sports, Movies etc.. I wouldn't suspect its a problem with my account with sky or with the card setup.

    Can anybody help with this? Is it a problem with the services/svrid or isn't that relivant?

    Thanks in advance.

    Yeah i don't mind paying i just didn't know how it worked correctly etc, master g been great and sorted all my problems but its still getting me how my entitilment changed from 22 to 17 and now i cant get any HD channels.

    Yeah im paired to a SD box but why would it take HD off me if i pay for it?

    yeah true lol, thanks for all your help on this, last question, do sky box office work and pay per few? if they do how do they work? if not how do i get them to work?


    Okay no problem, how do I get setanta and bt sports on my card?

    You know people who card share online do they buy everything legally then hope they make there money back? If not what's the trick to get bt sports etc?

    Hi Mate,

    Thanks for your help, it now works however my entitlement has changed from 22 to 17? has this moved HD channels off my card because its a standard box?


    If i get a SD box off ebay will this fix my problem with the sports/movies. also which model do you recommend which will 100% work?

    - - - Updated - - -

    oh and do VU Duo work on oscam CCcam do you know?

    well i had sky last year the white card on full hd package new hd+ box and now they have gave me 6months free to stay with them.

    I just removed services from the reader and from the user account so they have no permission, the error is still the same.

    2015/10/30 15:15:25 21E72D0 r [videoguard2-reader] sky_reader card detected
    2015/10/30 15:15:25 21E72D0 r [videoguard2-reader] type: VideoGuard BSkyB (0963)
    2015/10/30 15:15:25 21E72D0 r [videoguard2-reader] tier: 0003, expiry date: 2015/12/28-00:00:00
    2015/10/30 15:15:25 21E72D0 r [videoguard2-reader] tier: 000b, expiry date: 2015/12/28-00:00:00
    2015/10/30 15:15:25 21E72D0 r [videoguard2-reader] tier: 0010, expiry date: 2015/12/28-00:00:00
    2015/10/30 15:15:25 21E72D0 r [videoguard2-reader] tier: 001d, expiry date: 2015/12/28-00:00:00
    2015/10/30 15:15:25 21E72D0 r [videoguard2-reader] tier: 0057, expiry date: 2015/12/28-00:00:00
    2015/10/30 15:15:25 21E72D0 r [videoguard2-reader] tier: 30e1, expiry date: 2015/12/28-00:00:00
    2015/10/30 15:15:25 21E72D0 r [videoguard2-reader] tier: 30e2, expiry date: 2015/12/28-00:00:00
    2015/10/30 15:15:25 21E72D0 r [videoguard2-reader] tier: 30e3, expiry date: 2015/12/28-00:00:00
    2015/10/30 15:15:25 21E72D0 r [videoguard2-reader] tier: 30e4, expiry date: 2015/12/28-00:00:00
    2015/10/30 15:15:26 21E72D0 r [videoguard2-reader] tier: 30e5, expiry date: 2015/12/28-00:00:00
    2015/10/30 15:15:26 21E72D0 r [videoguard2-reader] tier: b732, expiry date: 2015/12/28-00:00:00
    2015/10/30 15:15:26 21E72D0 r [videoguard2-reader] tier: b736, expiry date: 2015/12/28-00:00:00
    2015/10/30 15:15:26 21E72D0 r [videoguard2-reader] tier: b765, expiry date: 2015/12/28-00:00:00
    2015/10/30 15:15:26 21E72D0 r [videoguard2-reader] tier: b766, expiry date: 2015/12/28-00:00:00
    2015/10/30 15:15:26 21E72D0 r [videoguard2-reader] tier: b772, expiry date: 2015/12/28-00:00:00
    2015/10/30 15:15:26 21E72D0 r [videoguard2-reader] tier: b773, expiry date: 2015/12/28-00:00:00
    2015/10/30 15:15:26 21E72D0 r [videoguard2-reader] tier: b846, expiry date: 2015/12/28-00:00:00
    2015/10/30 15:15:26 21E72D0 r [videoguard2-reader] tier: b848, expiry date: 2015/12/28-00:00:00
    2015/10/30 15:15:26 21E72D0 r [videoguard2-reader] tier: b860, expiry date: 2015/12/28-00:00:00
    2015/10/30 15:15:26 21E72D0 r [videoguard2-reader] tier: b8cc, expiry date: 2015/12/28-00:00:00
    2015/10/30 15:15:26 21E72D0 r [videoguard2-reader] tier: b8cf, expiry date: 2015/12/28-00:00:00
    2015/10/30 15:15:26 21E72D0 r [videoguard2-reader] tier: b8d2, expiry date: 2015/12/28-00:00:00
    2015/10/30 15:15:37 0 s init for all local cards done
    2015/10/30 15:15:37 0 s anti cascading disabled
    2015/10/30 15:15:37 21E8CE0 c anonymous disconnected from 90.***.224.10
    2015/10/30 15:15:37 21E8CE0 c thread 7F2C50E6E700 ended!
    2015/10/30 15:15:38 21EA5D0 c encrypted cccam-client 90.***.224.10 granted (dad, au=off)
    2015/10/30 15:15:44 21E72D0 r [videoguard2-reader] classD3 ins54: status 90 00 = ok but cw=00 -> channel not subscribed
    2015/10/30 15:15:44 21E72D0 r Error processing ecm for caid 0963, srvid 051A (servicename: Sky Sports F1) on reader sky_reader.
    2015/10/30 15:15:44 21EA5D0 c dad (0963&000000/051A/99:6356): not found (248 ms) by sky_reader (of 1 avail 1)

    - - - Updated - - -

    Sports Pack
