Posts by technom8t

    Hi all...fairly new to the scene....although had an old technomate good few years back so recently got myself zgemma s2 running a vix image...really happy with the performance but want to now expand my horizon. I remember I used to receive some really good sport and movie channels as well as others from thor satallite but as I say been off the scene for a long time so I'm looking for suggestion on having a second sat feed go into my box like thor or hotbird etc. Can you let me know what you would suggest and the channels I could expect to receive and not just FTA as I am open to subscription based also ...cheers

    Ok so here another question an extra subscription from sly is ten pounds...if I get that can I put the card straight into my dreambox without pairing it with a sly box first and will it work for all channels....then share that with the rest of the boxes that will be in the house?

    Thanks guys, ill install Oscam - my card has been paired with my original box, so I'm now not able to use this, what can I do now to get this box to work in the kids room with the channels unscrambled?

    Hi Guy's,

    So brand new to using CS and have done loads of reading etc over the last few days. Today I bough myself a 2nd hand dreambox 500s. Starting off cheap LOL. Anyway I have flashed with the latest command image, all complete fine. I then downloaded cccam 2.1.3 and installed via FTP. I then enabled it on the box. Now I am wanting to use my own S*y card(white) in this box, so I have used the generator with my serial number and generated my box key. edited my CFG file like told, but the channels still aren't showing when card is in box, free to air channels are fine infact some of the EPG doesn't update at all for paid channels. attached is my cfg file, can anyone help been at it for hours now.

    thanks in advance

    p.s not my real boxkey :-) and should it consist of both letters and numbers because mine does?

