Posts by Smrtyr1

    hi customise was not set as expert I have now got the screen as per your screen shot.
    Hopefully I can now progress, I was trying to set up a share with some movies I have on my pc,
    Thanks again

    Thanks very much for the manual.
    Regards menu's I have reflashed latest vix image and still not finding paths?
    In the manual page 48 it shows path to Mounts setup as Menu> Setup> System> Network> Mounts setup, but on the Network page the only item is Display setup, any suggestions?

    Hello this is my first box and everything is new to me, but I thought if I read enough posts I would be able to pick things up slowly, anyway my problem is that every time someone explains how to sort a problem I go through the menu on my box, which they explained I get to the place I want to be and it's not there, eg enable samba in Network but It's not there, and this happens in a few more things I've tried to sort were the path does not seem to exist.
    I am on VIX 3.2.027
    Could changing to BH change the menu?
    Just to make you aware my ability at the moment is slightly above zero I can work ftp a little, telnet I can get onto it but that's it, so if any one has any pointers for tutorials for these it would be much appreciated.
    Thanks in advance for any help.