Posts by Heval

    Hello everyone,

    i habe a Problem with my Dreambox TWO Device with EPG Importer 1.9.1

    I install it on my Device and make a reboot. I finde the souce in the Main Menue from the EPG Importer and save it.

    Another Reboot. Than i klick on the EPG Importer and make a manuel EPG search from my source.

    After multiple searches I have not been able to download an EPG for my IPTV provider. My IPTV Provider have a EPG Link. I can see it in Jedi Maker Extrem.

    My Device:

    DM Two UHD

    Image: AIO with OE 2.6

    EPG Importer by Dorik 1.9.1 deb

    Skin: Metrix

    What is wrong??

    I hope, everyone can help me.

    Hello all,

    I have installed the jediepg on my Dreambox ONE UHD. I am also on the main page and can select bouqets and individual channels. I have IPTV and in the EPG Sources but also appear.

    I do not understand now how I can automatically create the EPF download for all bouqets. Under EPG Sources the provider of the IPTV appears, but in the last column the EPF Selection appears with an enormous number of links. What exactly do I have to do so that the APP loads all EPGs for all channels? I also have the EPG Importer on it, but this does not work as I had hoped.


    Where can I insert the german pyo?




    thanks for the Post #1.621

    I install the EPG import and make a Reboot. After the Reboot i dont finde the EPG Import in my Firmware Newnigma2.

    In the Folder /usr/...../extensions/ is the epgimport not does not exist.

    When i install the Pluin over my Box and Remote Controll (not TELNET ) i became a Message:

    Depends pyhton-backports-lzma

    installArchives() failed

    What is the Problem?


    EDIT: I install it with TELNET, make a Restart and now i can see the Plugin in my Plug In Folder under Extensions. It works


    where can i find a EPG IMport Version for my IPTV List?? I have a Dreambox Two and find a EPG Import DEB but when the installation is fiished i have a Short Message in opening my extensions: One Plugin is not availebel.... (in the Box is EPGImport under extensions , i saw it with flash fxp...)



    i have a question but not an answer.

    I have two Line IPTV:

    One of this Line are created and working with Jedi Maker Extream. The Bouqets are created and the Channels are working.

    The second Line, Megaott, are create the Bouqets with the included Channels. When i want to watching a Channel my Device (Dreambox tWO UHD with Newnigma2) told me: Unknow Mediatype. All with Jedimaker created Channels from this Provider are NOT Working with.

    Can you tell me why the PromaxHD Channels are working and the second Provider Megaott not??

    Device: Dreambox TWO UHD wirth the Firmware Newnigma2

    Many Thanks

    Hello KiddaC

    thanks for the great Plugin!!! Respekt

    I have dreamboxes ONE and TWO und use the Jedi Maker Xtream Plug In.

    I have two IPTV Line, one Line are working with Newnigma2 und one line are not working.

    When i create the Bouqets in my Device the Bouqets are all ready. Wenn i open one of the Bouqet there ar all Channels in

    but when i want to watshing one Programm the Decive say: UNKNOW Mediatyp

    Can your help me?

    Hello Friends,

    im new here. I have each Enigma2 Devices in 4K.

    I install the Jedimaker and im interested in EPG for IPTV. In your #1 Thread i saw the EPG.pyo. In wich Folder i put it in??

    And how i can install my EPG Link from my IPTV Provider to get EPG from the IPTV Providers?

    Sorry for my not so good english