Posts by cazuela

    an uptodate channelinfo provides all the info you need about caid:sid (caid is the platform and sid is the identity of the wanted channel )for example:0100:004106:6FF0 "(19.2E) VH1.. (caid: 100:4106, 6FF0 is the sid(channel VH1)
    you?ll find channelinfo in the same folder as your .cfg...
    i think 0961 cards still open certain channels therefore they dont have to request ecms from another peer to open that channel thus reducing streaming traffic.. maybe somebody with this card can give you better info about this..

    I agree ,,,only problem I can see is that it changes as platforms change,etc,, and for some strange reason some users "invent" caids acting as locals....check out your c/s studio in PROVIDORS you?ll see what enters your server and from this you get a better(for want of a better word,lol) idea of what you want to block, you can break it down to add to clines as mentioned above (which will take you more time ) global limits( they still enter your server but you won?t pass them on) or as our friend ,samnabil, has mentioned, simply restrict by limiting the (hops:caid:sids) that you really want..

    not sure if it will work for vuo..but does for dream E1 stop that annoying NAR .for example..narration(although it is very handy for foreign/blind users)
    On the PC screen, launch Internet Explorer and key in the IP address in the address field. For instance: Type (or whatever your internal Ip for the box is).
    Once prompted by password, enter ‘Root’ as User Name and ‘Dreambox’ as Password to access the box.
    On the main menu, go to ‘CONFIG’, then browse to ‘Audio Channel Priority’ and under its field, users can specify the audio channels’ priority here. For instance, put in English#audio 1 and the specified audio channel will be selected with highest priority whenever the system restart).
    Click ‘Save’ and reboot the system using remote control and you should be done.

    no { 0:0:2, is allowing up to hop2 ,,so maybe leave it at no { 0:0:1, ? would not be better????
    for example ,as discussed in other posts:
    { 0:0:1, 100:2a:2, 100:2f:2, 100:30:2, 100:35:2, 100:36:2, 100:3d:2, 100:68:2, 100:6a:2, 100:6c:2, 100:6d:2, 100:80:2, 100:81:2, 100:84:2, 100:85:2, 100:3311:2, 100:3315:2, 100:3317:2, 100:4106:2, 100:5221:2, 500:30b00:2, 500:32820:2, 500:32830:2, 500:32920:2, 500:32940:2, 500:30a00:2, 500:30a40:2, 500:31000:2, 500:32000:2, 500:32a00:2, 500:32a10:2, 500:40500:2, 500:40810:2, 500:40f40:2, 500:41140:2, 500:41500:2, 500:41820:2, 500:41900:2, 500:41950:2, 500:419a0:2, 500:41e00:2, 500:42000:2, 500:42500:2, 500:42600:2, 500:42610:2, 500:42730:2, 500:42800:2, 500:42c00:2, 500:41700:2, 500:42200:2, 500:42400:2, 500:42700:2, 602:0:2, 628:0:2, 664:0:2, 668:0:2, 603:0:2, 604:0:2, 622:0:2, 90f:0:2, 92b:0:2, 92f:0:2, 93b:0:2, 961:0:2, 919:0:2, 91f:0:2, 93b:0:2, 963:0:2, 983:0:2, b00:0:2, baa:0:2, b02:0 d02:8c:2, d01:0:2, d02:0:2, d03:0:2, d0C:0:2, d02A:0:2, d03:400:2, d03:800:2, d03A:0:2, d05:0:2, d05:0004:2, d05:400:2, d05:800:2, d05:1:2, d06:c:2, d07:1400:2, d22:0400:2, 1702:0:2, 1702:1:2, 1722:0:2, 1801:1001:2, 1801:C002:2, 1803:0:2, 1810:0:2, 1810:4001:2, 1812:0:2, 1812:6e11:2, 1830:0:2, 1833:0000:2, 183d:5411:2, 1880:2011:2, 1880:2111:2, 1802:0:2, 662:0:2, 500:32500:2, 93a:0:2, 4AA1:0:2, 4ABF:0:2, 4AD1:0:2, 4AE1:0:2 }
    at the end of each cline occupies quite a bit and slows down the server when you have 50+ peers....

    on the other hand in global limits:
    #GLOBAL LIMITS : { 100:4108, 100:5001, 100:3, 100:4, 100:5, 100:9, 100:A, 100:c, 100:d, 100:E,
    100:f, 100:10, 100:11, 100:12, 100:13, 100:14, 100:19, 100:1A, 100:1B, 100:1c,
    100:1d, 100:20, 100:21, 100:25, 100:26, 100:29, 100:2E, 100:2E2, 100:31, 100:33,
    100:34, 100:37, 100:5211, 100:5225, 100:64, 100:66, 100:67, 100:68, 100:6b,
    100:6d, 100:70, 100:71, 100:72, 100:73, 100:8C, 100:A0, 100:A1, 100:A2, 100:A3,
    100:100, 100:4001, 100:4101, 100:4102, 100:8227, 100:beef, 100:ffff, 4aa0:0,
    500:24410, 500:80, 500:500, 500:1540, 500:1570, 500:2100, 500:2500, 500:4800,
    500:5500, 500:7000, 500:7010, 500:8000, 500:8800, 500:8c00, 500:8c10,
    500:9c00, 500:9C10, 500:9C20, 500:9C30, 500:9C40, 500:a000, 500:30a10,
    500:30a20, 500:30a30, 500:30a40, 500:A800, 500:A810, 500:A820, 500:AC00,
    500:B400, 500:C, 500:C010, 500:C020, 500:C030, 500:c400, 500:c410, 500:C800,
    500:C810, 500:C820, 500:C830, 500:C840, 500:C850, 500:C860, 500:C870,
    500:400, 500:540, 500:800, 500:e400, 500:E410, 500:E430, 500:E440, 500:E450,
    500:E470, 500:E800, 500:F000, 500:F520, 500:F800, 500:10c00, 500:10c10,
    500:10c20, 500:10c30, 500:11000, 500:11c00, 500:12000, 500:12010, 500:12800,
    500:12810, 500:12C00, 500:13400, 500:14400, 500:14800, 500:14880,
    500:14C00, 500:15000, 500:16400, 500:16800, 500:16810, 500:16C00,
    500:16C10, 500:16C20, 500:17000, 500:17010, 500:18c00, 500:19000,
    500:19400, 500:19410, 500:19420, 500:19430, 500:19440, 500:1a400,
    500:1ac00, 500:20600, 500:20610, 500:20620, 500:20630, 500:20640,
    500:20a10, 500:20a20, 500:20a30, 500:20B20, 500:20c00, 500:20c10, 500:20c20,
    500:20C30, 500:20C40, 500:20830, 500:20840, 500:20850, 500:20860,
    500:21510, 500:21570, 500:21c00, 500:21C10, 500:22e10, 500:22100,
    500:22110, 500:22f10, 500:24410, 500:32830, 500:32840, 500:50000, 618:0,
    924:0, 9A0:0, d00:c4, d00:c8, d00:cc d00:14, D00:64, D00:68, d01:50, d01:54,
    D02:80, D02:88, d02:8c, D03:B0, D03:C0, D03:C4, d03:c8, D04:14, d05:c, d05:8,
    d06:c4, d0c:c, d0c:10, d0c:14, d0c:18, 1702:6a, 1800:1, 1800:101, 1800:801,
    1800:901, 1800:1201, 1800:1301, 1800:1811, 1800:1911, 1800:4001, 1800:4101,
    1800:4601, 1800:4701, 1800:4801, 1800:4901, 1800:4A01, 1800:4B01,
    1800:6E01, 1800:6F01, 1800:7001, 1800:7101, 1800:7401, 1800:7501,
    1800:9401, 1800:9501, 1800:C001, 1800:C101, 1801:004801, 1801:004901,
    1801:2011, 1801:7811, 1801:7911, 1802:8C11, 1802:8D11 }
    will stop quite a few from passing on to your peers
    if everyone was to apply it then c/s would be cleaner...

    all propositions are welcome!!

    the "public test" will give you a better chance to decide about whether or not you want to continue with the peer in question..
    I don?t think the "payserver" will pop up unless it has already got negative publicity...

    Just tried it out ,,works a treat in cs studio ,,but a word,,,,if you simply google the host of the peer "at risk" and CHECK the date of publication it will give you a better idea if the peer was simply indirectly exploited SO........ if it doesnt show up as exploited ,then time to ask the peer what the story is... then decide what to do ;)

    CCcam protocol uses BOTH,,,as it uses more resources than gbox/mbox... to keep it BOTH TCP + UDP....

    personally I prefer something that has been proven to work in my favour,, and there is a lot of paranoia about this "new version" already!!
    something that comes to mind: "beware of "cccccc" bringing false gifts"" especially when they "control" more ,I wonder will they control the serial n?, streaming to/from the card via ecm petitions,etc,,,? paranioa?? Remember your card is YOUR property ,but the services that it supplies belongs to the "contracter" ( platform) not you!! and if you are found to breach the agreement(contract) then they have the right to cancel the contract and claim back all "lost profits" then blacklist you... obviously this does not apply to prepaid cards...of course this is just something that ocurred to me now...will have to give it more thought and time.... caz ;)

    although a lot of peers use them to connect different procols which are necessary for their cards , there is no( at least I haven?t seen any) clear evidence that they perform any faster in ecm response compared to a Cline..
    not all nlines are bad ,but the abuse of them is extensive!!
    ddaddy, if you need help adding it ,let me know ;)

    "local cards " can be easily formed apart from the nline256 trick ( which is easily recognised in CCcam,remember you will see a * at the end of the server ,i.e: CCcam-s2s* )....
    anyone could easily put 6 "local cards" online using dvb-s card software :vplugs+vkeys...

    As I say ,this is not the first or ONLY mode of access and it certainly won?t be the last,,,
    I do think apart from the "reality" of it ,it is a nice WAKEUP call to all who are not confident enough to make a simple but effective "passwd" change ..
    so everyone get your skates on and change that password ,I do it regularly !!

    A mad idea perhaps but here goes:
    1) -mp3 charger with usb + 2)- laptop ventilator.....plug in charger, connect ventilator with usb cable to charger , then sit DM800 snugly on top....Ok sounds a little outlandish but it?s a simple effective way to cool it down ,no need for internal soldering ,etc...…cam-Free-Exchange-Section
    start by reading posts :…s-for-fair-free-exchanges..
    then by Private message ,you inform the interesting/interested user that you would like to exchange your shares with them.
    ? Nothing in your share at the moment???…s-for-fair-free-exchanges..

    NOTE: not only will you be on the payservers? IP list ,but also through your/his bank account ..
    ?that?s not enough to convince you???? Then MONITOR the streaming traffic ( high ECMs)?HOW? in your caminfo.. and you will see if some peer is using more than the" norm"( this varies as you might be the only share the peer has to that particular platform.
    This is why the message HAS TO GET ACROSS: before leaving your reciever on standby ,make sure that it is on an FTA (FreeToAir) channel. Your peers will still get your shares but You won?t be requesting ECMs that you don?t need therefore minimising your internet traffic therefore not raising any suspicions...remember ,when in doubt ,check it out, there are plenty of posts about all of this,,this is just one more from another user !!
    caz ;)