Posts by Tractorboy

    I installed libreelec 7.0 and TVH 4.2 last night. I ran a quick test using News night on BBC2 which usually starts a few minutes late and overruns. It was schedule to start at 22:30 and run for 45 minutes. The recording started at 22:32 just as the opening titles started and ran for 47 minutes. I will run some further tests but it looks like accurate/precise recording works :-)

    Sent from my Vodafone Smart ultra 6 using Tapatalk scroll down to version 4.2 - "added possibility to do precise recordings based on the EPG running status"

    Sent from my Vodafone Smart ultra 6 using Tapatalk

    Thanks for the suggestion Dale but I don't want a Sly+ box for a number of reasons. I only want to record FTA channels so don't want to pay a subscription, I want to record to my NAS and I want K0di on the same box. The Wetek is aimed at the PVR market (why else would it have two tuners) but doesn't deliver basic functionality such as accurate record which has been around for years on other boxes.

    Sent from my Vodafone Smart ultra 6 using Tapatalk

    Thank Honcho. I was aware of that functionality and do make use of it some of the time. Unfortunate it isn't practical if you record lots of programs on different channels which overlap or follow on immediately from one another. It also don't help when you want to record something after a sporting event such as a football match which ends up going to extra time and penalties.

    Sent from my Vodafone Smart ultra 6 using Tapatalk

    For those who are interested in my progress I tried various pbnigma images with limited success. The images worked ok for live TV and for basic recording (no accurate recording unfortunately) but all had major issues with Kodi. Entering Kodi would mean that the auto timers would stop working until I exited Kodi. Most images would crash as soon as I started an HD stream in Kodi.
    I have ended up back where I started in Openelec using TVHeadend. It's far from perfect but at least I do have a PVR setup which works 95% of the time. Series Link works and I can record two programs whilst stream an HD source in Kodi. One major downside with the Wetek Play is that there is no suspend option so if you turn it off via the remote it does re-start to record a program. Therefore I have to remember to leave it on and keep reminding the kids not switch it off. The only thing which is stopping me ditching my 6 year old Freeview+ PVR is the lack of accurate recording. Most of the time it's not a problem but on the odd occasion where a live sport event or news program over runs it results in me missing the end of a recording. I therefore use my Freeview+ PVR as a back up in case the Openelec let's me down. On the plus side it's great having recordings on the server that can be viewed from a Kodi box in the bedroom, on the laptop or download to my phone to watch during my lunch hour.

    I have a problem recording from the UK freesat EPG when programs don't start on time. The recording either misses the beginning if the program starts early or the end if it starts late.
    I don't want to using padding and am searching for a plugin that picks up the actual start and finish signals from the broadcasters.
    A trawl through various forums has brought up a plugin called vps which looks like it maybe what I'm looking for, however it seems to be several years old and doesn't appear to be supported anymore.
    Does anyone have experience of the vps plugin they could share with me please?

    Sent from my Vodafone Smart ultra 6 using Tapatalk

    I recently purchased a Wetek Openelec Dvb s2 box with the intention of using for Kodi and as a replacement for my ageing Freeview recorder. The Kodi side is working well but I'm disappointed with the PVR functionality under Openelec which is basic to say the least and lacks functionality which my Free view PVR has had for over 5 years.

    Before I start experimenting with various pbnigma images could someone please advise me if I can replicate the following PVR functions on my Wetek Play with Freesat in the UK.

    1. Accurate record. The recording uses actual start and end times of the program rather than what is in the EPG so if a program is late starting I don't lose the end. I know I can use padding but it causes a knock effect if you are recording several programs one after another and is no good when a program is very late starting such as a when a football match goes into extra time.

    2. Proper series link. By proper I mean not record every repeated episode of a series.

    3. Chase play. Start watching a recording after it has started whilst it is still in progress.

    Thanks in advance for your replies.

    Sent from my Vodafone Smart ultra 6 using Tapatalk