Posts by ikmr

    This plugin is very important and solves many backup problems
    i have just finished testing this plugin to answer some questions in mind and i would like to share the answers with

    1-How do we install the plugin?

    just as any ipk file manullay to install directly from Tunisiasat addons manager-plugins-dflash

    2-can be installled in any image?
    Theoretically yes,i have tested successfully in gemini3 and openpli image 5-3

    3-what is the procedure to take backup
    just run flashing&backup from menu then press backup
    the backup will start and you will continue to watch TV
    necessory to have extra storage device like harddisk or usb flash and should be mounted,else may be backup the image in internal flash with error(i am not sure about this but definitly error will occur)

    4-is this method of back safe with sim201 dreambox?
    it is safe and the backup integrated with current bootloader(in my case ssl76d),so no error when flashing again

    5- can i flash the backup by internet explorer or dreamup or should be flashed again by this plugin
    you can flash again by internet explorer or dreamup or by the plugin itself

    6- How much time backup and flashing take
    for backup 3-5 minutes for flashing just few minutes then the dreambox reboot automatically to flashed image

    7- can flash images not backuped by the plugin
    yes but you need to copy the image to mb_images directory first

    good plugin and helpful to save your image with all settings

    link to download file

    Here is a library, which is in contrast to the other media library plugins an all-in-one media center that is lined with xml feeds from my webserver. a single library.
    Currently the following libraries are available:
    # ARD Mediathek
    # ZDF Mediathek
    # RTL Mediathek
    # Sat1 Mediathek
    # Pro7 Mediathek
    # Kabel1 Mediathek
    # VOX Mediathek
    # Apple Movie Trailer
    # Kinotrailer
    # MSN Movies
    # SouthPark
    # YouTube
    # MyVideo
    # YouPorn*
    # PornRabbit*
    # Tube8*

    link for download