Posts by FredFrin


    I have set up a mgcamd client to run with a remote newcs server. All seems to work ok,
    but when I view the newcs web i/f on the server, I see client seems to be permanently communicating
    with the server, regardless of whether the channel being viewed requires it.

    Is there something in the mg_cfg on the client to configure server access only when actually required?

    Any help appreciated,


    Hi all,

    My first post here ;)

    You must all know those arguments: the Mrs (or the kids) hog the remote &
    control the box 6 days a week - and if you open yr mouth you're told that
    you have yr football ... then the args start about who chooses what's watched
    the most etc etc etc.

    Well - in my case I know I'm in the minority, but some people just don't give
    in until you confront them with proof (and sometimes even that doesn't help!).

    So - I'm looking for an E2 plugin / addon that provides a summary of how many
    hrs total each channel was watched in a week (or longer). Some viewing stats
    of when the box was on. Surely such a thing has been written? Can anyone
    point me in the right direction?

    I'm running latest OpenPli on DM8000.
