Posts by luckyroverbill2

    yep taking a good hard look at that one, seems to be the bees knees for the beginner. Seen them on WOS for that price. Do you Have to have a card to share if you want to share with someone else? as i don't have any cards to share just got the basic sky broadband, no sat/tv packages with them, have enough D/D sucking on my wages don't need any more.
    Thanks for the info shall have a read over w/e before i press the purchase button. BTW if money was no object what is the box that 'does it all'.

    Hi thanks for the welcome, Budget £200 unmentionables free stuff cards clines ect, seem to be taboo on other Sat sites/forums..was unaware Tm5402 was not linux, shows how green i am + no one on other forums mentioned that. Will definitely be upgrading now. WOS seems to have good reviews so will no doubt purchase a box from there, any suggestions would be welcome. A box that doesn't tax the brain too much, not that i mind using my brain its just the time it takes to get into gear, bit of advice on what image to get installed as i see WOS send your box with image installed (nice touch) Will be starting from scratch with new box look forward to gaining sum genuine knowledge from this site.

    Know it must be old hat by now but got myself a Technomate 5402 hd +motor dish, was thinking seriously about purchasing a Vu+ Duo, but would love to get to grips or experiment with the technomate to be sure i can 'Understand' what these boxes are all about before i spend needed cash on a Vu+.
    Is there a jigsaw that is complete on here or a beginners guide that can be read and followed threw to accomplish rewarding results as each step is undertaken, or if not is there a box that does it all for you=meaning all the un-mentionable's that can't be mentioned on these forums.
    thanks for listening.