Posts by cyphor

    You need to look at the crashlog to figure out why its crashing then buddy, also worth noting i have seen this happen before but after reflashing the exact same image it works perfectly. It may well be down to something you have installed rather than a fault with the image itself.

    Thank you buddy, that did the trick, reflashed same image and hdd ready to use, must missed something somewhere.

    Updated to OpenATV image and HDD still good to go.

    Thank you for all your help mate

    Thank you matey, i'll give it a reflash tomorrow then to double check that and will check crashlogs to see if that sheds any light.

    Thank you again for your help, greatly appreciate matey

    Tried to mount and merely get 'Mount Failed' if choose (Red) 'Use As HDD' green screen and reboot.
    Think time for new HDD what do you thinks guys? Any recommendations?

    Thank you for your patience

    On the first picture i posted press the green button then l/r should change what it is mounted as buddy.

    Cheers matey, changed it then green screened again, im wondering if internal HDD gave up the ghost?

    Has worked fine but is very strange that it simply dont want to know anymore.

    Good afternoon all,

    Have finally settled for the latest OpenAAF image and been running perfect, but no matter what I try I cant get the internal HDD I installed ages ago to work.

    If recording button pressed it says something along the lines of 'write to hdd failed, maybe full'? But it is empty now.

    Am I missing something here as it seemed to be a breeze with Blackpole / Blackhole and Vix

    Thank you

    Hello All,

    Ive gone wrong somewhere and trying to rectify (badly).

    Installed the new Blackhole 2.0.2 image after having problem with Blackpole.

    All up & running lovely, however when I try to change from Mgcamd 1.38 to Cccam 2.30 Im getting green screen and no memory message.

    Now I know this is due to recent downloads going to flash (picons) and not HDD, how do I:

    1) Get rid of stuff in flash
    2) Alter where downloaded picons go to HDD instead of /media/usb?

    Thank you

    Thank you matey all sorted and up & running. Big thank you for your help. And Backup done ;-)

    Only little problem I have is that I accidentally downloaded LCD Picon and now have no display on front of receiver apart from last menu command, searched and found to delete /USR/Share/Enigma2/Piconlcd but cannot locate any such folder in latest Blackhole version?

    Part from that we all honky dory, thanks mate

    Hiya all,

    Have been running Blackpole on my Vu Uno since received it, however after a crash the other day and daft man here didn't have a backup, have loaded latest Blackhole image and boy im chuffing lost.

    Got go through the whole ball ache again.

    At min biggest problem, no tspanel, have downloaded and tried manually installing but not appearing, could anybody kindly advise what version I need for latest Blackhole please?

    Thank you

    Thank you m8, Ive loaded the Catseye channel lists as you stated as found that my VU+ Uno didnt scan certain channels in.

    Quick enquiry though, I sent this channel list over but still seem to have my old scanned channels present, how would I clear my current channel list before sending this one over?
    Using Dreambox Edit to send them over.

    Thank you