Posts by mazzhammer

    Tried to download some zip parts but no one is online on mega...

    Do you have a good site where to download from?

    Thank you..

    I tried to use jdownloader...could it be the issue?

    original mega links are gone, on other forums someone posted alternative links

    rush1, I started downloading the rainbow table, but I am afraid to download the right ones...

    What do I need to download? I started with V2/CSA_B8hx00h/

    Is it right? Or do I need RV2?

    Or both?

    Thank you.

    PID: 3EBh B8h-Crypt8:AA FE B4 FD F2 6F D1 5E [E] Count:1432060

    Thank you.


    AA FE B4 FD F2 6F D1 5E #CW:59 10 DA 43 29 A6 87 56

    Works perfectly!!
    Please help me finding these keys by myself!!!

    I have an Nvidia card.
    I downloaded CUDA Server 1.06 but unfortunatelly it doesn't works on my pc due to some dll issue.

    Is this a way to avoid downloading all the huuuuge rainbow files?

    Great, thank you for your answer Rush1!.

    I already own an nvidia card. Try to find an hd by 4 TB or so...prices are quite affordable on amazon too. Thank you.

    Hello, I tryed this method for finding keys by myself.
    Can I make a summary of what I'm doing? Just for clarification:

    - record a full ts stream: I have a DVB card, I record a stream of about 7 minutes. Should I record the beginning of transmission or encription? Or 7 minutes of stream anywhere?

    - search for Crypt 8 key.

    - download the CSA Rainbow Table. This is the trick....I need a HUUUUGE hard disk??? How many TeraBytes are necessary?

    - use the CSA Rainbow to find the biss key.

    So...Is there a way to access the Rainbox table via VPN? Maybe we could try this approach for who hasn't a so big availability of space?
    Thank you.

    Hello, I have a home server with oscam running on raspberry.

    I installed everything from the first post, oscam run.

    I use a pci pc card on windows and altdvb with hadu plugin.

    Everything works like a charm except sky it, de and uk.

    I use some cline I found on the net...

    Anyone use this configuration?