Posts by eastof111

    For the experts out there, I need some info please.

    Why is the blind scan so slow on the Vu+Duo2 receivers. I have compared the scan times on both C band and Ku band using Openvix, Openatv and Pnigma images which do not use plugin related scan. The comparison was against an Octagon linux based receiver model 1028 which utilizes StiLinux and does not use a plugin related scan.

    The Vu+ Duo has a much, much faster processor and memory compared to the Octagon's 450 mhz. chip. It would seem to me that even if the current blind scan drivers for the Vu+ are not optimized, they should still scan faster than the Octagon.

    I sincerely hope the coders iron out the kinks in the drivers because it is doing a terrible disservice to the performance of this outstanding receiver.