Posts by paul077

    one advice, when u're stuck, read the logs... boy those logs walk me trough setup so easily.. no tutorials or whatsoever couldn't do it better. if you can use ./Cccam.x86 -d - much better, debugging CCcam after you setup debug mode in .cfg.
    not sure if josh will read his post very soon, but i just wanted to share a part of my setup experience if some newbies, like me, need help.

    master G
    Correct, at least this is what i've understood after reading several forums and tutorials.
    debian doesn't need reboot, but i've rebooted the machine several times, diff. reasons.
    as for vu duo, never rebooted. If i modify a working Cline from my VuDuo CCcam.cfg after saving (with DCC_e2) the changes takes place instantly so i guessed there's no need to reboot the vu. but i will try.

    Hi everybody,
    I'm here because I have some problems to figure them out.
    Today i've finished my debian v6 and cccam server installation with the automated script installer (my cccam can be found in the /emu folder)
    my web seems to work fine, pointing my web browser to server's ip address the CCcam info pages appear (so i guess everything is fine)
    My CCcam version on debian was 2.3.0 now is 2.0.11 because is the same version as on my vu+duo.
    What's the next step now?
    I've created on vu+duo C: Line with intranet ip, port, user and pass. and on the debian server created F: line with user and pass.
    My Vu+Duo won't connect to my CCcam dedicated server.
    At 1st my CCcam server ver. was 2.3.0 but i've downgraded to 2.0.11 because of Cccam version found on Vu+duo
    SO what's next ? Getting keys on debian ? If yes where should i put them? I mean the key's path.
    Why my receiver can't connect to my Debian?
    Not sure about port forwarding but on intranet don't need ports forwarded.