Posts by markpokane

    Hi Folks,

    I'm new so please bare with me. I recently bought an Amiko Alien 2+ with Enigma2 (Linux amikoalien #1 PREEMPT Sat Jan 9 23:18:31 GMT 2016 sh4 GNU/Linux). I've been trying to install OScam but no joy so far. Rather than go through the multiple ways I've tried to install it, I'll start with what I've most recently done and rely on yourselves to confirm or correct me..

    1. I've installed the following version "oscam-svn11342-mips-tuxbox-oe2.0-webif-libusb-ssl-Distribution.tar.gz" from
    Q.1 - Is this the correct one to use?
    Q.2 - Is there an IPK version I can get access to which seems easier to install?

    2. I was putting the oscam binary into /usr/bin/ and the config files (oscam.conf, oscam.server,, oscam.dvbapi, oscam.user) into /var/etc/tuxbox/config/
    Q's - Is this correct? If not, where should I put them? Am I adding the correct items? Is it a simple case of just putting them into these directories? Any help appreciated.

    Am I missing anything else that needs to be done e.g. with the Enigma2 menu once OScam is installed?

    Any help in how to install and start it would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks and regards.