Posts by tigersaid

    I get this when I try to install this .ipk plugin on my vu+ solo2 with BH:

    libcurl4: unsatisfied recommendation for curl-certs
    Collected errors:
    * satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for enigma2-plugin-extensions-iptvlistupdater:
    * librtmp1 * udpxy *
    * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package enigma2-plugin-extensions-iptvlistupdater.

    I have tried to install it through manual install in the menus.
    I have tried to install it through TSpanel.
    I have tried to install it through DCCe2
    I have tried to install it through Telnet
    I have tried to install it through VUCC
    I have tired to put files in extrenstions plugin through FTP....

    Non of them works... :(
    What dose this mean?

    Thank you.