Posts by Mr.Mister

    Hi all.. I hope i am not pushing the rules here..

    I have oscam 7061 server.. with 2 $ky and 2 Irish Setanta cards..

    I have added Boxnation to one $ky card.. and Premier Sports to the other $ky card..

    Both cards are showing the correct entitlements.. But these 2 new channels are not coming through direct from my oscam server to my client boxes..

    they still seems to be coming from my peers cards which are glitchy and freezey..

    I do NOT have anything in my Services tab in my oscam to do with Boxnation or Premier Sports..

    Please can someone tell me if i have to add anything in there to make these channels work direct from my own cards.. instead of my peers cards.. ??

    ie.. CAID .. Provider & srvid.. ??

    Thanks in advance for any help given..

    Hi guys..
    sorry only getting back to you all now..
    I have updated oscam to 7061.. All went sweet..
    Just one problem..

    Omnikey readers wont start..
    I have installed the drivers again.. but to no avail..

    Am pulling my hair out here at the mo.. lol

    Hi all..

    I have a problem with my oscam and its really stating to piss me off..

    Im using : OSCAM 1.20-unstable_svn build #6864

    Oscam times out on me every 2 hours.. All of a sudden.. It just jumps to 5000ms and wont go back to normal until it has been restarted via putty..

    any help would be greatfully accepted..
