Posts by Captain

    devel has never been an image

    it is built like this

    oe-alliance-core/meta-oe/recipes-distros/openatv/image/ at 5.3 · oe-alliance/oe-alliance-core
    The openembedded alliance core. Contribute to oe-alliance/oe-alliance-core development by creating an account on GitHub.

    you always think that it is an image or someone has provided backup images, but they were not provided by us, devel = e2 developer updates only

    is just a big ipk nothing more

    you have not enable opkg log enable this thx

    for clarification:

    openATV versions:

    Full Image:



    E2 Devel feed Update

    7.4-devel is the 7.3 image with developer E2 updates

    7.5-devel is the 7.4 image with developer E2 updates

    7.4-preview is a 7.3 image with test branch updates

    7.5-preview is a 7.4 image with test branch updates

    if you have an image with devel in the name, this is not a standard image with a new version, but only with E2 updates, the increase of the version number was made because otherwise the update via the feed does not work, so only a trick to update !

    Update DEVEL

    [NetworkSetup] refactor part 2 (#3218)


    * add new networkdaemons.xml

    * add new NetworkServicesSetup screen


    * remove extra menu items except inadyn, Minidlna and uShare

    * show extra menu items only if installed


    * remove NetworkServicesSetup sub screen

    * cleanup network services



    * correction of selected channel after bouquet change

    * correction of StreamRelay context menu

    * show Streamrelay options only if softcam active


    code has been completely revised (#3207)

    * [OScamInfo] code has been completely revised

    * new design, now resembles the OScam-WebIF look

    * new log window with optional autoupdate

    * new log fullscreen with optional autoupdate

    * add config.softcam.hideServerName setting support

    * change oscam logo


    * refactor oscam info settings

    [ButtonSetup, QuickMenu, SoftcamSetup, InfoBarGenerics]

    * use new OscamOverview

    Co-authored-by: Mr.Servo

    Thanks to @OpenA.TV for consulting

    * allow define colors in skin

    * rename classes

    * text changes


    * remove dateutil

    * fix log screen skin

    * cleanup OScamOverviewSetup

    * cleanup OScamOverviewLog


    * improve config.softcam.hideServerName

    * fix keySave


    * add new TransponderInfo Converter


    * add REC_TUNER type


    * move device table to c

    * add more models

    [] Small code optimization (#3214)

    Remove an unused condition in "processValue()".

    [] Catch an correct an argument error

    This change corrects an error created by using a variable from a newer version of ChoiceBox that is not yet ready to commit.

    [] Correct crash due to undefined variable


    * fix parseHorizontalAlignment

    [Screen] Add integrated screen based images


    - Add facility to have a screen based image based on the class name of the screen.

    - Add new methods "isAlreadyShown()", "setStandAlone()" and "getStandAlone()" to replace direct access to the "self.already_shown" and "self.stand_alone" variables.

    - Add "already_shown" and "stand_alone" properties to support legacy code that is manipulating the old internal variables.

    - Add new methods "setImage()" and "getImage()" to fine control the new screen based image facility.

    - Remove logging of the screen names as this is already done in "".

    - Improve variable names.


    - Add new "screens" dictionary for the new screen based image system.

    - Add code to read the "screens" tag block from the skin.

    - Correct the variable name in the "menu" tab block reader.

    - Improve some of the logging messages.

    - Add comment that openATV will be deprecating skin list based scaling.

    - Add comment that openATV will has deprecating "getSkinFactor()" skin list based scaling.

    - Optimize some of the code.

    - Remove long dead code.


    - Add new "Image" widget to support the new screen based images.


    * small correction of itemHeight initialization

    * fix scaling for grid mode

    * correction of itemHeight Error handling

    - Convert the "assert" commands into logged errors.

    - Correct the "templates" "default" conversion to "template".

    - Correct the initialization scaling of simple templates.

    - Reduce the scope of single use methods.

    - Move some imports to the top of the module.

    - Improve some variable names.


    * remove usage of keytranslation.xml

    * add remapping of keytranslation.xml into rcinput


    * revert deletion because this is used by 3rd party

    [] Replace TimeDateInput with DateTimeInput (#3198)


    - This is a new module that offers a more concise user interface for setting times for instant recordings and EPG navigation.

    - This new code is a subclass of Setup to reduce the amount of code copied from and

    - This code uses consistent navigation relative to other Setup based screens.

    - The times entered now directly and accurately update the date *without* requiring an extra control with which users must interact.

    - The range of times and dates the user may select is now limited to only valid values. For example, instant recordings are now correctly limited to 24 hours and EPG jumps can be made forward in time as well as backwards in time to the extent of the EPG history that is enabled.

    - HELP is now available in this screen.

    - Button labels better reflect the actions to be performed when pressed.


    - Switch from using to

    - Optimize some code.

    - Improve some translation strings.

    - Use f-strings to improve performance of the button press logging.


    - Switch from using to

    - Improve the action map that controls the DateTimeInput screen.

    - Remove use of getSkinFactor as it is not used in openATV (openATV has fully integrated and automatic skin scaling) and can cause skin issues.

    - PEP8 correct some code indentation.

    - Improve some translation strings.

    [] Tidy up code

    This is a small tidy up and code rearrange to match the current coding styles.


    * allocate channel prevent crash if getFrontend returns no data


    * Update Skins

    * use new TimerOverviewSummary instead of TimerEditListSummary


    * remove usage of old TimerEditList


    * add debug for vtuner init


    * set default values


    * add option to define left offset for header and entry

    * add calculateEntryTextSize function

    * refactor entry paint to support header

    * add new feature to draw a line instead of text as entry


    * add get/set value

    * add valueEntryLeftOffset , valueHeaderLeftOffset to support configList skinnable offset

    * add headerfont


    * add configList headerFont

    * set configList fonts only if they are defined


    * add headerfont for eListboxPythonConfigContent

    [embedded skins]

    * add missing resolution attribute


    * fix summary description


    * show mini tv pip setting only if available


    * update language codec

    translation update