Posts by farazdaq

    ah ok i will to try to test

    please Lululla give me a nother link for downloading the plugin

    be cause this link attached dosnt work or not want to download

    please a nother link

    oh thanks Lululla ! thats a geat work


    Good work Lululla

    opkg install -force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk

    Upgrading enigma2-plugin-extensions-xcplugin-iptv-mod-lululla from 2.8 to 2.9 on root

    Checking for an older version in the system...

    An older version was found and removed

    Proceeding to installation...

    Plugin removed! You should restart enigma2 now!

    Configuring enigma2-plugin-extensions-xcplugin-iptv-mod-lululla.


    * Enjoy our plugin *


    Restarting Enigma2 to load...

    XcPlugin by m43c0 & mmark is good plugin,
    My is just a modified plugin, I can not do this to the author .. All plugins derive from the known nstreamvod plugin, and everyone has modified it as it could. I'm sorry.

    thanks for your answer

    i dont tell to modified this plugin like yours

    i told you you just use the skin and some things in this plugin to change look in your plugin if you can.

    tank you lululla