Posts by harveybham

    has anybody has a issue with scanning on cable on this?

    Changed tuner to cable but network ID only shows for spaces
    my network id is 41011 but I can only enter 4101. Tried scanning but box locks up and have to reboot.

    got it work on other images

    any ideas?

    tested and can confirm this is working. I did have to upgrade the oscam version but it works well. just a few issues which was hoping you can help me with....

    1) oscam not starting automatically on reboot ( have to run terminal. then su and then oscam -b)
    2) Had it running for nearly 24 hours and last night (early this morning) no reboot on oscam. should the scripts do this?

    has this gone wrong because of the oscam version change? otherwise its great!


    iv tried both and got to a point where all i need to do is change the reader. the default settings for the oscam.server is

    label = *******
    protocol = smartreader/mouse
    device = 000:000
    #if you use smartreader and device with a bus id, hash out detect as its not needed.
    detect = cd
    cardmhz = 600
    mhz = 600
    boxid = yourboxid
    blockemm-u = 0
    blockemm-s = 0
    blockemm-g = 1
    blockemm-unknown = 1
    emmcache = 1,3,2
    group = 1
    caid = ****

    but if i change it to this

    label = test
    protocol = smartreader
    device = 000:000
    detect = cd
    cardmhz = 600
    mhz = 600
    boxid = yourboxid
    blockemm-u = 0
    blockemm-s = 0
    blockemm-g = 1
    blockemm-unknown = 1
    emmcache = 1,3,2
    group = 1
    caid = 0963

    it stops working and oscam does not start. If i then change in oscam.server to the original (my top config) it works. really strange i cant work out why.

    any ideas lads


    im running ubuntu 10.04 ( using the script on this forum to install cccam/oscam). I have rebuilt it again and it works. Restarted several times and it works. It seems to mess up when i change the conf. Maybe i am doing something wrong.

    Just to check,, when i edit the conf, i go to usr/local/etc and open the file, edit the file, then click on save (is that correct) or should i be using another tool to edit these.

    (im a linux noob)

    hi all

    got a strange problem that I can not work out why! Iv built a brand new server up but I can not access the http page for oscam (http://my_ip:8888

    it says page can not be displayed

    i have gone into terminal and typed

    oscam -b
    killall -9 oscam
    oscam - no process killed ------- its like it can not start oscam.

    not to sure whats up with it. the oscam.conf log is like below

    logfile = /usr/local/etc/oscam.log
    nice = -10
    preferlocalcards = 1
    saveinithistory = 1

    port = 988
    nocrypt =
    aulow = 120
    hideclient_to = 15
    monlevel = 1
    appendchaninfo = 0

    httpport = 8888
    httpuser = admin
    httppwd = admin
    httprefresh = 0
    httpallowed =,

    any advice guys?

    apologies. I have been reading a lot of posts on the forum to try and work it out but I couldn't. I have now posted a post in the intro section.

    I have a bunch of users who where given a C line. Downtime is no issue at all.

    The reason why I have two sly cards is just due to different packages on each card (soon to change) but if I can get two cards working off the hub that would be great as I can then test other cards.

    any help would be appericated.


    hi all.

    im a bit stuck on how to get oscam working. here is the background. I had cccam 2.1.3 installed on Ubuntu and it worked fine. I decided to use OSCAM without effecting my clinets. I downloaded and used the build on this website called debian with oscam/cccam 2.1.3. It has installed fine and works fine.

    I have tried to edit the files to match my needs but I can not get the clients to show online at all. also I have two cards (sly) plugged into a usb hub. I can only get one of them to work and not both at the same time. my configs are below:

    ********oscam.config *************

    Nice = -10
    WaitForCards = 1
    PreferLocalCards = 1
    saveinithistory = 1
    logfile = /usr/local/etc/oscam.log

    port = 988
    nocrypt =
    aulow = 120
    monlevel = 1

    httpport = 8888
    httpuser = admin
    httppwd = admin
    httprefresh = 10
    httpallowed =,

    reshare = 0
    ignorereshare = 0
    version = 2.1.3
    updateinterval = 240
    minimizecards = 0
    stealth = 1


    label = ***uk
    protocol = smartreader (smargo)
    enable = 1
    device = 001:005
    detect = cd
    boxid = MYBOXID
    mhz = 600
    cardmhz = 600
    caid = 0963
    ident = 0963:000000
    group = 1
    emmcache = 1,3,2
    ecmwhitelist = 0963:3E,4E,42,44,45,47,6A,6B,6F,62,68,69,7C,7D,7E, 72,73,77,79,80,8B
    blockemm-g = 1
    blockemm-unknown = 1
    blockemm-u = 0
    blockemm-s = 0
    lb_weight = 101


    user = USERNAME
    pwd = PASSWORD
    uniq = 1
    monlevel = 1
    caid = 0963
    ident = 0963:000000
    group = 1
    au = ***uk

    user = USERNAME2
    pwd = PASSWORD2
    uniq = 1
    monlevel = 1
    caid = 0963
    ident = 0963:000000
    group = 1
    au = ***uk

    can anyone shed any light on if these are wrong or as to why I cant get the users section to go online. I have tested the port and it is viewable (tested using website canyouseeme

    any help is appreciated
