Posts by husin

    I am not sure about feeding the reader as mgcamd. But what I read online.. cccam can be detected by *** italia.. better to use magcamd to avoid detection. Researching on Card Proxy Server too... Really don't understand how astro detect the card sharing. They monitor the ECM request? Or cccam protocol? So I am going to test with one channel with my card.. see the result.. then slowly increase the channel.. since injoy got 22 channels.

    Installed injoy? So fast. ;p good luck. If that is working, it would be the light at the end of the tunnel...

    Senifoto. Dun leave the smartcard in oscam too long... Usually after 12 hours they will block. I kena blocked 3 smartcard d. Injoy aslso kena blocked. I tested directly oscam, blocked. Oscam with cccam server also block. No idea d. Anyone with solution please share? Trying to share card with my friends n family only.

    My card was in the server for 3 hours and blocked. That was a fresh card, just replaced after the old one killed.

    Now everyone using oscam is talking bout this problem. No solution been shared yet.

    Not sure for how long this will end.

    The only way to fix blank screen on original decoder is to replace the card with new card.

    I had done so, and use the card in oscam again and too bad, it been killed again.

    Cooling period before asking for another replacement. ;p

    Fyi, using the recent oscam version, if not mistaken it is svn8476 or something like that.