Posts by alom

    OK then case closed..

    If you did put up your configs it might have helped to rule out a few suspicions I had, like for example:
    the new image has a later version of oscam that needs some config adjustments..

    ok. here you go.....i was running 8639 on bloackhole and upgraded to gp3 8915


    serverip =
    usrfile = /media/hdd/oscamuser.log
    logfile = media/hdd/oscam.log
    maxlogsize = 1024
    cwlogdir = /media/hdd/cw
    disableuserfile = 1
    dropdups = 1
    failban = 2
    failbantime = 10000
    failbancount = 9
    lb_mode = 1
    lb_save = 100
    lb_savepath = /media/hdd/.oscam
    fallbacktimeout = 2600
    lb_stat_cleanup = 12
    cachedelay = 30
    bindwait = 10
    unlockparental = 1
    preferlocalcards = 1
    nice = -1
    saveinithistory = 1
    dropdups = 1

    port = 988
    nocrypt =
    aulow = 120
    hideclient_to = 15
    monlevel = 1
    appendchaninfo = 1

    enabled = 1
    numusers = 2
    sampletime = 5
    samples = 5
    penalty = 1
    aclogfile = /media/hdd/oscam_ac.log
    denysamples = 10
    fakedelay = 1000

    port = 1111@0963:000000
    key = 0102030405060708091011121314

    port = 1111111111111
    reshare = 1
    ignorereshare = 1
    version = 2.1.3
    minimizecards = 2
    stealth = 1
    nodeid = A6ECE583109615D4
    reshare_mode = 1

    enabled = 1
    au = 1
    boxtype = dreambox
    user = localuser

    httpport = 0000
    httpuser = aaaa
    httppwd = aaaa
    httprefresh = 7
    httpallowed =,
    httpshowpicons = 1
    httptpl = media/hdd/oscampicon


    label = int
    description = card
    protocol = internal
    device = /dev/sci0
    detect = cd
    caid = 0963
    mhz = 500
    cardmhz = 357
    ident = 0963:000000
    group = 1
    emmcache = 1,3,2
    dropbadcws = 1
    lb_weight = 500
    blockemm-unknown = 1
    blockemm-g = 1

    alom if i was you i would stick up your configs and see if any1 on here can see ur problem

    have you put boxid in your config?

    i don't think theres anything wrong with the configs as i have had them working for a long time now and i have bt sports on the other card in hd and all works on that.

    pretty sure they have done something as i have checked online and shows all my packages as active and getting billed for them...

    not sure how seriously to take this thread
    but can i ask those who lost hd channels when u updated in oscam, did u block unknown and unique emms?
    i am only updated till mid there any1 else thats updated till march that still getting all channels?

    i have these lines on the server...

    blockemm-unknown = 1

    blockemm-g = 1

    Ring them up and tell them your card has been taken out of the box by your young child and you can't find it. They will send you a new card, although it will cost you £10.


    if i ring them up and ask for a new card, i'm sure they will just ask for the firmware varsion etc and pair that card up to the back to square 1

    My card has never been paired to a box as such.... Just straight into oscam after they done the install.
    I don't know if something happened while I was changing image... Though I do this all the time and never had any problems.... I really can't explain it.

    I haven't put it back into the original box as yet because I made that mistake with a card last year.

    These days they do the install by pairing while they are there....I tried with one of the special offers.... That's why I stuck with paying ****liads on this card.... But I wool stick it in the box as a last resort.

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

    card has always been in a dm800se...hasn't been in the box for nearly 2 years.....they sent me letters last year for the info from the box...i didn't reply to any of it...and a year down the line....they paired it up somehow...

    the emm that updated it to march screwed it up.....i saw it this mporning and was till mid its march and foooked. :(

    well my cards gone this.....while i was changing images to gp3......tried backup and still nothing... no hd or premium channels even the non *** ones

    the other peers card are working an update with entitlements extended from feb to march and all gone

    ring them up and cancel tomorrow......unless bellend can help to sort it out......c'mon bellend!!!

    i used the file and put the channels srvid in there that i didn't wan't to receive from the peer and stick the line

    services = !nameyougaveforthechannels

    into oscam.server

    then it won't request those channels from that peer. you could also just not have it request that card by putting the card instead of the individual srvid

    if your not sure how to use and i'll give you the layout.

    ....and i've resolved my initial question by using services command to request only the cards i want from that peer.

    this is my odcam.conf file


    serverip = xxxxxxxx

    usrfile = /media/hdd/oscamuser.log

    logfile = media/hdd/oscam.log

    cwlogdir = /media/hdd/cw

    disableuserfile = 1

    dropdups = 1
    failbantime = 10000
    failbancount = 9
    lb_mode = 1
    lb_save = 200
    lb_savepath = /media/hdd/.oscam
    lb_stat_cleanup = 12
    cachedelay = 30

    bindwait = 10

    unlockparental = 1

    nice = -1

    saveinithistory = 1

    dropdups = 1


    port = 988

    nocrypt =

    aulow = 120

    hideclient_to = 15

    monlevel = 1

    appendchaninfo = 1

    enabled = 1
    numusers = 1
    sampletime = 2
    samples = 5
    penalty = 0
    aclogfile = /media/hdd/oscam_ac.log
    denysamples = 9
    fakedelay = 1000


    port = 15000@0963:000000

    key = 0102030405060708091011121314


    port = xxxxxxxxx

    reshare = 1

    ignorereshare = 1
    version = 2.1.3

    minimizecards = 2
    stealth = 1

    nodeid = A6ECE583109615D4

    reshare_mode = 1


    enabled = 1

    au = 1

    boxtype = dreambox

    user = xxxxxx


    httpport = 16001

    httpuser = xxxx

    httppwd = xxxxxx

    httprefresh = 7

    httpallowed =,

    that's my working oscam.conf and ytouv'e had in theory this should work for you as well...

    hi all and a happy new year :)

    i would like to know how to specify oscam so it only asks for a certain card in oscam.server of my peer.

    for some reason it seems to ask for a load of stuff he dosen't i would just like to request ecms for the card he does have.

    how would i do that.

    thanks.. :|

    this ismy setup for the top reader on a 800se...copy and paste it under your protocol line in oscam.server and should clear.

    device = /dev/sci0

    detect = cd

    caid = 0963
    mhz = 500

    cardmhz = 357

    ident = 0963:000000

    group = 1

    emmcache = 1,3,2

    dropbadcws = 1
    lb_weight = 500
    blockemm-unknown = 1

    blockemm-g = 1

    agree with mrgmx.

    you can and probably should run your server off your VU box.

    i think the pc route is more for the 'bigger' server. and probably a lot more learning if you've not use linux systems before.

    with the's just soooo much easier to setup and upto 25 users (opinions differ here) i would say is good hassle free viewing for all.