Posts by ricky9566

    can anyone help
    my remote control is broken
    does anyone know if there is an app on either iphone or android phone to replicate the remote
    if not
    where can i purchase another remote from
    thanks in advance

    can someone help
    all my channels are perfect except for itv hd granada which is blocky and breaks up every 2 or 3 minutes
    ive tried other region itv hd and they are the same
    ive tried on a diff sat dish and still the same
    ive done a blind scan and its still the same
    itv sd is perfect and all other hd channels i can get r fine
    is there anyone that can help please
    thanks in advance

    hi once again

    2 questions

    1 is there any other emulators that u can put on like neo geo -- like n64 psx etc -- and put roms on like u do with adb

    2 is there anyway u can increase memory above the standard 4gb -- as i only have around 2gb remaining and i want to put a build on kodi called retromania but that is just over 2gb as it comes with emulators and roms

    thanks in advance

    thanks for reply
    tony is the top man -- i agree with that
    only got the box a monday and hes been invalueable
    just asking about if theres a way to upgrade the skin and there might be another site around that will help
    i am in the middle of doing a full channel list thru channel manager for the granada region - which when ive done i will put on
    but it takes time - i will get there tho
    thats 1 reason of trying to find another skin -- bit boring as it is - thought there might be a way of flashing it up a bit
    anyway lets see

    hi again

    is there a way to change skins on the dvt player
    and also is there another site where u get the software updates
    there doesnt seem a lot of support other than here - which is fantastic by the way


    hi all
    just a quick ask
    but firstly this is my 1st post
    had a dm800 for years and years
    and then a rasp pi2 for ages
    thought id get an all in one box and thought id go for the mars
    pretty pleased with it
    took me ages to set it up tho and then re set it up cos id messed things up
    but eventually thanks to all the guides on here -- from tony --- i got there even tho theres still plenty to mess around with yet

    Can anyone advise me if i can bluetooth an xbox remote upto it so i can play games on the google play apps
    tried everything but no good
    and also how do i get the neogeo roms into the folder after downloading it to pc

    thanks again tony -- mainly but a few others as well

    we need more support on here for the users of this box cos its a pretty good un but more support needed
    so get typing