Posts by el tel

    Yes I think Life is too short to solve every problem.
    Some problems in life are best worked around.
    I am an old computer man who will format at the drop of a hat. I have never flashed before (well,not in that way),but I intend to do so this afternoon.
    I have backed up my existing flash with TSpanel, so I hope that I can always return to this dilemna,should I so wish. I have saved the image,all 54 mb of it and I have downloaded a slightly newer Gemini image.nfi. So ready and rearing to go.
    I am enjoying Nadal at the moment with a glass of Rioja...........but stand by.

    El Tel

    Well, I put the file, oscam****ipk , into the tmp folder by ftp and then looked for a program to install it.
    In the end I had to settle for Telnet: ipkg install/tmp/ ***** . And then I restarted
    No change. No cccam.
    I am beginning to feel haunted as though you can walk through me.
    Better luck tomorrow.I have a doctor's appointment in the morning at 7.45 so I will be up and about bright and early.
    Once again, many thanks for all the efforts.
    El Tel

    PS: You know I can't help but think that maybe I need to install a brand new nfi and make a new start ??

    Dear Ten
    I am honestly dying of embarrassment. My stupidity and ignorance are preventing me from enjoying all of this. I am going to rename my Dreambox......the Nightmarebox.
    I uninstalled all cams,as you suggested,leaving me with just the common interface and then I uploaded your special file via Dreambox Control Centre ftp/ipk.
    That was the last I saw of it.It has been swallowed up and I am in the same position as I was this morning.
    But I'm still game and determined to get there in the end.
    Time for a glass of does not live by bread alone.
    Anyway, I am sorry to be such a difficult user, and hopefully I will rapidly improve.
    El Tel

    Well I have tried and tried. I went back to factory settings and am now where I was last night.I have adjusted anything that moves and then put it back as it was.
    So I have a couple of HD channels and the non-premium SD channels.
    I am on CCcam2.3.0/Oscam1.20. I believe that my version of Gemini is 5.1
    Quite content,and waiting to thank somebody,this may require a Chess champion.
    El Tel

    PS: Just to recap, if I type the dreambox ip ( I go through to Webcontrol, but if I add :8888 I go nowhere.

    OK Kemestri. In the blue panel I have selected CCcam2.1.3/OSCam 1.00 I have no idea how to start up OSCam. I would be very grateful if you could point me in the right direction. It sounds as though I am only a few clicks away.
    Espero tu ayuda.
    El Tel

    Well thanks, in part, to the fabulous TS panel which made it a piece of cake to upgrade my CCcam 2.1.1 to 2.1.3, the DM800 started receiving many more channels automatically.
    But not all, and in particular,not the HD channels. I do subscribe to the HD and full package.
    So I am not ashamed to ask what might be my next move ?
    In the meantime I shall continue to browse the posts.
    Good Vibrations.

    But today I feel as though I have moved forward. I managed to install the TSPanel into my DM800,and what a bunch of goodies that program is. I only had a fiddle about because I suppose I am still a bit frightened of doing damage,but I can see that it is going to come in mighty handy. So the big focus continues with CCCam/Oscam card configuration and that means........reading, reading, and then.......reading. But that is how you learn.
    So no questions for now. Just good wishes to passers-by.

    Ricardo, you are a star.
    Many thanx for your swift and thorough reply. At the present time I am configuring a Sunday Roast,but later on this afternoon I look forward to the challenge.
    So I will post my progress and thank you in anticipation.

    Well, what a day yesterday turned out to be.
    I visited dreambox online authentication and discovered that I have a clone ...theDM800HD PVR. At least I now know and presumably must be just a little more careful about what I download etc. In any event,I think of this as the experimental box,the one that I can learn on, and I will be up for a serious purchase with twin tuners and built-in HDD when appropriate.
    Having messed about a bit and getting nowhere, I used Dreamset to set up my channels successfully. Finally I could see something on screen.BBC HD...ITV HD...CH4 HD .
    The next big challenge is to make my uk viewing card work so that I can watch sports and movies. It is valid and paid fully up to date.

    So here it comes: Can anyone guide me through or towards setting up the CCcam (which I presume is the next step) so that it will recognise my card ???????????
    I am on Gemini Project ll,Enigma2,as boxed,and in the settings I have selected CCCam2.2.1/OSCam 1.00

    Well it is Sunday morning, and I am enjoying ( I am not sure that 'enjoying' is the right word), Schindler's List which I have never seen.Time for a brew,take it off pause and look back here later on.
    All the Best and Thanx for now.