Posts by enurenur

    Thanks :)

    So if I buy the "DM900UHD NC3 Japhar" (SIM-card ?).. I can use this PeterPan image (and others "Japhar" images) ?

    No need to do anything else ?

    That "patch it" that something an old man,soon to be 50,can do ;) ?

    Hi good people :)

    New to the forum...(maybe I'm not supposed to ask questions in this tread ?)

    Have a DM900UHD,bought from a seller on aliexpress...

    There's a little,white label on it,says ""

    In add,it says "SIM2.30".

    At the moment I have "SIM230_openatv-6.0-dm900-20170820.rootfs.tar" and oscam...working fine...

    But I am a "PeterPan" fan....have used it for many years (DM500,DM800,DM820...)

    Finally to the actual question...can I use this PeterPan-version on my DM900UHD (SIM2.30) ?