Posts by atghaunted

    Thanks a lot for your reply...

    I used flashexpander, so the flash now is 16gb...

    But I have a problem with this image...

    I don't know how to change the time...

    It's strange because when it starts with my old image (nemesis) the time was loading from net...

    Now it is not right and from setting I only find to change timezone...

    Do you know how to put the right time?

    Edit: Sorry I find it:

    date -s YYYY.MM.DD-hh:mm:ss

    But in any reboot it took this date Sat Jan 1 02:00:00 EET 2000

    Does anybody know why?

    But I have the problem from :

    When I type:

    opkg update opkg

    I take that message

    Collected errors:

    * opkg_download: Failed to download

    And for that:

    install ffmpeg

    -sh: install: not found