Posts by osssi

    I tried it,but it seems, that the installation fails.

    But with the "Enigma2 1080 Skin Converter (Version 1.02)" from this Forum you can easily convert the skin to FHD. It works great. I used the FHD-icons from openatv. Also the "original" skin-conversion to openpli from Vasiliks works really fine. Thanks. MyMetrixLite-plugin is completely usable!

    i run openpli 4 on Xtrend ET9500

    i copied the feeds from openatv 6 to etc/opkg and mymetrixlite installs the icons from the feed. When mymetrixlite starts to write the skinfile it ends with an error-message "cannot write skinfile" without further explanation. i use OpenPli 4 on an Xtrend et 9500.