Posts by wallison

    csp does not work after a few hours
    I have the following problem: after 1 day of operation of csp, users can not connect to csp. This problem is solved by restarting the linux. The OSCAM ok.

    config csp

    <cardserv-proxy ver="0.9.0">

    <default-des-key>01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14</default-des-key>
    <session-keepalive excluded-clients="">3</session-keepalive>

    <!--##**************INICIA PROFILE TELF*****************##-->

    <profile name="NetBH" ca-id="1802" network-id="0002" provider-idents="00 00 00" enabled="true" debug="false">
    <newcamd listen-port="35010"/>
    <services-file format="cccam" ca-id="1802" provider="000000">etc/net.channelinfo</services-file>


    <logging log-ecm="false" log-emm="false" log-zapping="false" hide-ip-addresses="false">
    <log-file rotate-count="10" rotate-max-size="1024">log/cardserv.log</log-file>

    <display-name>CSP_PT TurboCache</display-name>
    <ssl enabled="false">
    <keystore password="xxxxx3">etc/csp_keystore</keystore>

    <user-manager class="com.bowman.cardserv.XmlUserManager" allow-on-failure="false" log-failures="true">

    <user name="administrador" password="313233" max-connections="1" admin="true" enabled="true" />
    <user-source name="gerenciadorcsp">


    <default-des-key>01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14</default-des-key>
    <default-client-id>00 00</default-client-id>

    <block-services>0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006a</block-services>
    <dummy-services>0 101 1101</dummy-services>



    <newcamd-connector name="Oscam" profile="NetBH" enabled="true" metric="0">




    <!--##***********INICIA Cache Plugin CONFIGURACAO***************##-->
    <plugin class="com.bowman.cardserv.CacheCoveragePlugin" enabled="true" jar-file="cachecoverageplugin.jar">

    <cache-context network-id="0002" ca-id="1802" interval="15"/>

    <!--##*************INICIA LoggingPugin CONFIGURACAO****************##-->
    <plugin class="com.bowman.cardserv.LoggingPlugin" enabled="false">

    <!--##***********INICIA DcwFilterPlugin CONFIGURACAO***************##-->

    <plugin class="com.bowman.cardserv.DcwFilterPlugin" enabled="true" jar-file="dcwfilterplugin.jar"/>
    <bad-dcw>00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01</bad-dcw>
    <bad-dcw>00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00</bad-dcw>
    <bad-dcw>01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16</bad-dcw>
    <bad-dcw>00 00 00 00 00 00 3C 3C 00 00 00 00 00 00 3C 3C</bad-dcw>

    <!--##***************INICIA GeoipPlugin CONFIGURACAO***************##-->

    <plugin class="com.bowman.cardserv.GeoipPlugin" enabled="false" jar-file="geoipplugin.jar">
    <geoipcity-path>etc/GeoLiteCity.dat</geoipcity-path> <!-- Path to city database -->
    <!-- Free but inaccurate:…tabase/GeoLiteCity.dat.gz -->

    <!-- Key must match your proxy status web access hostname, free signup @ -->

    <!-- Starting center point and zoom level for the map, default roughly = scandinavia -->


    <!--##************INICIA DreamboxPlugin CONFIGURACAO***************##-->
    <plugin class="com.bowman.cardserv.DreamboxPlugin" enabled="false" jar-file="dreamboxplugin.jar">
    <check-interval>5</check-interval> <!-- the starting interval downloaded installers will be configured for -->
    <frontend-host></frontend-host> <!-- external hostname boxes will be accessing via -->
    <frontend-port>88</frontend-port> <!-- external port (remove to use same as listen port) -->
    <log-file rotate-count="5" rotate-max-size="2048">log/agent-web-access.log</log-file> <!-- remove to disable -->
    <!-- if true: use XCNT instead of CONNECT, to avoid anti-abuse/open-proxy-scan blocks (if certain boxes never get output through) -->

    <agent-sshd enabled="true"> <!-- starting the sshd requires java6 or newer -->
    <tunnel-port-range start="2323" count="10"/> <!-- allow clients to open remote tunnel endpoints for these ports -->

    <file-upload enabled="true"> <!-- allow certain users to upload files, but only to preconfigured locations -->
    <file name="links.cfg" target-path="etc/links.cfg" user="linkslave"/>
    <file name="lamedb" target-path="etc/services.someuser.e2" user="someuser"/>
    <file name="lamedb" target-path="etc/services.otheruser.e2" user="otheruser"/>
    <file name="" target-path="/tmp/" user="testuser"/>
    <!-- if target-path is a dir the provided file name will be appended, e.g /tmp/ -->


    <!--##***********INICIA MessagingPlugin CONFIGURACAO***************##-->

    <plugin class="com.bowman.cardserv.MessagingPlugin" enabled="false" jar-file="messagingplugin.jar">
    <auto-mgcamd-osd min-interval="20" enabled="true"> <!-- min interval is flood protection, in seconds -->
    <exclude-users></exclude-users> <!-- never send to these even if they do id as mgcamd -->
    <exclude-profiles></exclude-profiles> <!-- never send to anyone in these profiles -->
    <!-- if the user is an admin and flagged "warning"-transaction occurs for him, send notification -->
    <msg-trigger match-warnings="true" admin-only="true" cws-owner-only="true">
    <msg format="TR warning: {0}"/>
    <!-- format masks
    {0} full preformatted text (similar to whats shown in the status web for cws events and tr warnings)
    {1} name (user, connector or proxy name depending on the type of event matched)
    {2} profile name
    {3} service name and sid (if an ecm transaction was matched, otherwise blank)
    {4} formatted time of the event/transaction
    {5} just the event text (e.g "disconnected" for cws event or "service name - time - flags" for ecm tr)
    <!-- if a user zaps to sid 04f2 in profile profileX, send immediate msg with the channel name -->
    <msg-trigger match-flags="F" match-sids="04f2" match-profiles="VIA">
    <msg format="You zapped to: {3}"/>
    <!-- if a cws connect failure or invalid card event occurs, send notification to the cws owner user -->
    <msg-trigger match-events="4 8" cws-owner-only="true">
    <msg format="CWS Event: {0}"/>
    <!-- CWS Events
    2 = Successfully connected
    3 = Disconnected
    4 = Connection attempt failed
    5 = Warning (timeout)
    6 = Lost service
    8 = Invalid card data (on connect)
    10 = Proxy node startup notification
    <!-- if a user zaps to a blocked or unavailable service, tell them so -->
    <msg-trigger match-flags="Z N">
    <msg format="Service '{3}' is not available"/>
    <!-- if these cws events occur, notify the user 'adminuser' -->
    <msg-trigger match-events="4 6 8">
    <msg format="CWS Event: {0}" target="adminuser"/>
    <!-- every time 'someuser' zaps in profile profileX, send him the msg -->
    <msg-trigger match-flags="Z" match-profiles="CEU" match-usernames="calhordas">
    <msg format="Por favor verifique seu email!"/>
    <!-- fetch additional message triggers from an external file -->
    <external-msg-triggers enabled="true">
    <trigger-file-key>asdf22</trigger-file-key> <!-- optional, remove if there is no encryption -->
    <update-interval>5</update-interval> <!-- minutes, 0 for only manual updates -->

    <email enabled="true"> <!-- this requires javamail: mail.jar placed in lib -->
    <sender-address></sender-address> <!-- reply to -->
    <mail-footer>--=--------[ user: {0} ] ------=------ [ CSP: {1} ] --------------------------=--</mail-footer>
    <!-- format masks: {0} = target username, {1} = CSP version -->

    <auto-email min-interval="600" enabled="true"> <!-- max one mail per 10 mins and user -->
    <msg-trigger match-events="4 8" cws-owner-only="true">
    <msg format="CWS Event: {0}"/> <!-- mail the cws owner user when the connector wont connect -->
    <msg-trigger match-events="4 8">
    <msg format="CWS Event: {0}" target=""/> <!-- mail this address when any connector wont connect -->
    <msg-trigger match-events="4 6 8">
    <msg format="CWS Event: {0}" target="someuser"/> <!-- mail this user when any connector wont connect or a servic -->
    <!-- javamail download @ JavaMail API -->


    <cache-handler class="com.bowman.cardserv.ClusteredCache">

    <max-cache-wait>2500 ms</max-cache-wait>

