Posts by deenass

    ok for the english mrgmx even if its not so easy for me :)
    so, capNcook,i ve bought its, so ive changed mine whith a 330uf 35v, i start the vu and, the usb still seem to not work, and still this damned red light

    oui rami merci detre encore la... je rentre juste du taff
    je lai achté a un particulier qui va m envoyer l adaptateur ............ jattends ce week end je devrais kle recevoir,si ca ne marche pas j essaierais de changer le composant C807 dont on parle vais essayer de trouverou il se trouve dans le demo.....
    i bought it to a guy on the internet, he gonna send me the plug, i should receive it this week end and ll inform you... i ll try to replace the C807 componant and try to find it on the vu

    ok i ve found this cable , install the drivers, its a HL 340, i tried to secupd111230 from vusecret so nothing happen grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
    it seems to comunicate i goona try to flash it whith Vu+ Util so i need a Nfi image isnt it???v

    i cant find vudosecret, is it the file named brick vu duo whith 2 videos and sofs like duoboot UpdateAllFlash or renew duo 020229 secupd11230??? if its this soft, i tried it and nothing happened

    thanks too mrgmx.... the guy toldme it was an original so i dont think so...
    in the box there was just a rs232 cable and no rs232 board
    there is a sticker "warnig dont update from other place......." i ont know if there was an image before the problem ...
    when i tried to update the duo_cfe file, i had any message on the screen of the vu, always this damned red light!!

    thanks capNcook, its done i introduced myself in the right section......

    branches thanks for your hels unfortunatly i cant send you private mess for the moment i need 10 posts i think so it ok if you want help me whith my vu

    hi everybody, firstable sorry for my english, im french,ive aa big problem ,my vu dont restart, only the red light is on...i plugged it on whith the rs232 and tryed to use

    1: Vu+ util and the result

    1 Extract the image
    2 Enter into the CFE mode...and thit stopped a 20%

    2: I Ttried puttytel ..
    in the config i choose seriel, 115200 when i click on open, a black sreen appear and nothing happens i cant write in....

    .: i tried to flash it whith a VTi ilmage in my usb stick in fat 32... i plug it on the Vu restart it, and nothig happen just the red light.....

    3: I tried to change the boot whith duo_cfe_3_0_usb on my usb stick.. nothing happen the stick seems to not be read....
    i herd i need a 232 board??? if its the cas e somebodys knows where i can find one please

    if somebody coul help me please....
    thank a lot