Posts by jolinuxsat

    which plugin can play Youtube 4K video using VU+ Duo 4k SE or Octagon SF8008 ?

    i'm a former user of VU Solo2 (dead), had experience with E2iplayer( even if lastly it lacks of hosts regularly upgraded (big tnx to Mario))

    and i'm trying to understand which 4K receiver to buy (best audio-video quality,best match hardware-image) so i'll be posting issues in related threads

    try to help me i'm in a big mess :exploding head:

    cheers friend

    my first time trying to install last version(enigma2-plugin-extensions-youtube_1+git1112+1b61cb0-r0.0_mips32el) on my Vu Solo2 (BlackHole 3.1.0 under OpenMultiboot) but no success,

    cannot find it in green menu and not present in the plugin folder (accessing FTP)

    only present in deleting addons option panel

    during installation process i noted a line telling something is missing

    let me know

    Hello, I would like to disable the pin, but there is no host configuration

    when u are in hostXXX push blu key on remote ,in Input, select option 2,then in the third line (Plugin pin protection) switch to NO

    hope i'll be useful to u and other users


    Vuplus solo2 ,blackhole 3.1, e2iplayer (Zadmario version ) , hostXXX (by Webmedia)

    I cannot see Chaturbate since a long time and cannot understand how to fix it

    when i enter Chaturbate it stucks on Search----and nothing happens

    in an former installation (don't remember which E2iplayer version) it showed the list but then won't start playing

    other hosts are working less those temporarily not working like others users say in the forum

    help me plz

    This is the last time I respond to such a post.

    Without a specific error message and debug file, what you write is meaningless.

    In most cases, errors are caused by incorrect installation or missing depende@


    sorry if i'm dump but i tried to install manually openssl , wget but nothing seems to work to see chaturbate

    i'm currently running e2iplayer zadmario version. can you suggest me another working version running with chaturbate and possibly regurarly updated? tnx in advance

    how to do it?

    vu+ solo2 Black Hole 3.1

    install v 1.4 or v1.5 but no way to see icon in green panel (plugin list)

    but present in option "remove"

    how to force plugin to view in green panel to make it work?

    is it a Black Hole issue ?


    as i told in your thread :

    version 2.1 got installed and is present in plugin menu list,but......

    open plugin and it is stuck on option "Show connected clients" and cannot scroll down other option with remote keys up and down

    can only go in option "menu" =configuration screen

    such a strange !

    Vu+ solo2 Blackhole 3.1 (python 2.7)

    i need a oscamstatus 2.1(reader on/off) working with Blackhole 3.1 (python 2.7)

    i installed it but no way to scroll up and down its menu window

    maybe because author has written for openATV ?

    let me know if someone succeded

    hey man what a hell this plugin : now version 2.1 got installed and is present in plugin menu list,but......

    open plugin and it is stuck on option "Show connected clients" and cannot scroll down other option with remote keys up and down

    can only go in option "menu" =configuration screen

    such a strange !

    Vu+ solo2 Blackhole 3.1 (python 2.7)

    say yours