Posts by FlanFlinger


    I've tried all that, flashing from within Spark and by forced flashing from the the front of the box, still hangs on boot whatever method, usb stick, firmware file I use.

    jokosat I've tried that


    Everything I've tried seems to flash ok but when I boot it hangs on "boot"

    @t72andrey It still hangs on boot with that image file

    So far I've tried with the following usb sticks

    SanDisk Cruzer 4gb, 8gb and16gb

    TDK 8gb
    Generic 1gb

    If anyone has any epg plugins and up to date picons for Astra 2A/2B/2D I'll make do with Spark

    Tried that with several images and several USB sticks but still hangs on boot, it's the same when I force flash from the front of the box.

    I can flash Spark images fine, Enigma2 ones all fail, I'll try "openpli 6.0 back_up" and see if that works

    I've also lost the epg and crossepg plugins now :(

    I'm also trying to edit the channel order using a PC but can't seem to change the channel sort number using eSettings+, is there another program I can use, I'm trying to set them into the same order that Sky has them

    Hi all

    I've recently been given an HD-8900

    System details as follows

    System Version 1.2.83

    App version 1.2.83

    Dbase version 1.1.0

    Kernel 2.6.32-00

    U-boot 1.3.1-021

    Last update Dec 21 2015 16:21:07

    Panel version 1.13

    I was hoping to flash Enigma2 onto it so I could use it as a PVR in Kodi, I've been using the flashing plugin from here…-on-amiko-alien-shd-8900/ but when it boots it just hangs with "BOOT" on the display.

    I understand this is quite an old box but any help would be greatly appreciated :thumbup: