Posts by bihsound

    I am trying to build a custom OS. Which when booted will automatically start a gstreamer pipeline which will handle a transport stream, do some stuff with it, and multicast it. I do not need any of the fancy GUIs running for user to control the set-top-box. I should fix my question, how do I compile the core, and how do I install it on a set-top-box?


    I have a development question in regards to Enigma2 firmware. I am a complete beginner. If I ask a silly question, this is why :). Can somebody please explain to me the process to compile the Enigma2 firmware, and how to install what I compiled onto a set-top-box? Can I compile Enigma2 on its own, and install it on a set-top-box, without an OS flavor such as OpenATV, OpenViX, etc? Thank you