Posts by badwily

    what happens when you try to install it? what is the error?

    try force installing it in telnet/putty with this command opkg update && opkg install -force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk (make sure only alternative softcam manager ipk is in /tmp)

    i give me installed,upgraded or removed 0 package. But thats funny , i rename your file to all.ipk and he already instaled with installed,upgraded or removed 1 package :) works all ok again , MANY THANKS Sir , :thumbup::)

    alternative softcam not working. :(

    Not working as it doesn`t install? Or what does that mean exactly?

    If it install but trying oscam doesn`t work, did you go to the oscam webinterface to see if its working?

    Did you try any of the other softcams provided? If so what happen

    he dont isntall , i got the softcam panel by install "softcam-feed-universal_3.0_all.ipk ", in plugins , system plugins, i install "softcamstartup 6.3+git17553" and show me the panel. Than i install "enigma2-softcams-oscam-modern-all-images_1528-r0_arm.ipk" and replace the OSCAM on /usr/bin for the most update oscam , but the system freeze when i restart the 1st slot. after turn off and on the box stuck on reboot

    Ok all set, i found out that i need press the blue button to see the softcam manager ;)