Posts by omandar

    I bought a ZGemma H5 about 10 months ago.
    It came with OpenaATV 6.2 (build 0 kernel 4.10.12 drivers 30/08/18).
    I have not connected it to any LAN, so I can interact only with the remote and I can't upgrade/download anything through the Internet.

    My H5 still runs on the above mentioned 6.2 release, to which I manually added (ipk usb install) just one single plugin, cccam 230, needed to use a card which gives access to the free "satellite version" of some free terrestrial channels (no paid subscriptions needed, nothing illegal).
    The ipk file was provided by the H5 vendor; as far as I remember, as soon as I installed it the card started working and has always worked since.

    When I saw that recently the 6.3 release finally became "stable" I thought that maybe time has come for an upgrade, which in my case has to be an "offline" one. If I'm not mistaken, I'd have to launch both the provided backups (image and settings), flash the 6.3 image from usb and then restore the settings backup.
    Then a question arose: what about the installed plugin?
    I noticed that a recent "settings backup" contains not only the plugin configuration files but also a binary file which looks like the plugin itself, so I thought that maybe the "settings backup", once restored, could restore also the plugin and its configuration. Anyway, I also thought, should the plugin be missing after that, I could always re-install it with the original ipk file.

    I was nearly ready to go when I came to this thread, where I learned that everything about softcams has changed in OpenATV, not only in 6.3 but also earlier, in 6.2s newer than mine. So now I have a few doubts:
    Is my (working) 6.2 really worth upgrading?
    What's actually new (or better) in 6.3?
    Being able to access my H5 only with the remote, shall I give up upgrading and leave everything as it is? :)