Posts by asavmpek


    Što ne razumiješ? Da biste riješili problem s plavim gumbom - ovdje navedite zapisnik o padu sustava

    I understood you, but in the meantime I reinstalled the image and I don't have that report, and I didn't even install MultiStalkerPro on the new image, hoping that the blue button problem will be solved in the meantime, because many people using Open Pli 8.3 complain about that problem. Greetings to you

    MultiStalkerPro vrlo dobro radi s logotipom i epg kanalima na Open Pli 8.3, ali ima jedan problem da se, kada pritisnete plavi gumb, Enigma ruši. Kako to riješiti? Hvala

    Isti problem se događa i meni ( Gigablue 4k i Openpli 8.3).

    Da biste riješili problem, autoru navedite zapisnik rušenja, a sudeći po padu na plavom gumbu, samo vi to znate :namigivanje lica:


    MultiStalkerPro works very well with the logo and epg channels on Open Pli 8.3, but it has one problem that when the blue button is pressed, Enigma crashes. How to solve it? Thanks