Posts by fugitiv3

    Guys after many hours I have managed to solve my issue:

    if portals are not visible.

    do the below (in my case MODE 3 worked):

    Three emergency boot modes are supported. They are signaled by means of LED indication:

    Mode 1 (LED white, slow blinking). Selecting alternative NAND - if for some reason download or update of the software from the current memory bank has not been successful, this mode switches the loading from the alternative flash memory bank;

    Mode 2 (LED white, quick blinking). Reset to factory settings - if some STB settings do not allow to boot, you may need to reset the environment variables of the STB software to initial value;

    Mode 3 (LED white, lights constantly). Emergency startup - loading the System Recovery Utility menu via USB or over the network (requesting update data via DHCP protocol) - in some cases, if you can not boot from modes 1-2, this mode is used.

    Hello all,

    First post here on this form.

    I have a weirdly locked MAG 322 I cannot see the portals section to add a portal etc. I have flashed the firmware successfuly with various firmwares both from the inner portal bit or by doing it just after boot in the BIOS section. I have also reset to factory settings on nand1 and nand2. any tips would be welcome. I can connect through SSH if this will help in any way.

    Thank you all.