Posts by Helloween

    Thanks to pointing it out. When typing the post I forgot to add the sharing port.

    - - - Updated - - -

    That was the solution to my problem. Now everything is working as it should!
    I just hadn't realized the correlation between the oscam as reader-server and cccam as a client on the same machine.

    In reality I have now even more question:
    - Why do we need cccam if oscam can do everything by itself?
    - Is my server now sharing just the viaccess card or all the other c line servers that I putted in the cccam client part?

    Also I have to find out what are the settings in the oscam config like au, group, dvbapi, I have a lot to read!

    THX again davvo!

    You can start with downlading oscam/cccam from the linuxsat support server. After that you have available config for your card on the same server.
    To finish your setup just change what you need to change in the etc/tuxbox/config folder.

    hope you'll make it

    Didn't worked!

    Maybe I missinterpreted something here. I will try to explain my problem again.
    Before switching to a solo2 I had to dream800hd boxes just with standard cccam. In one
    of them I had a viaccess card (no oscam needed) witch I shared with the other box
    through a standard internal connection
    F: test1 test2 in the box with the card and
    C: ip adress test1 test2

    Now I bought a solo2 and replaced the box with the viaccess card. As the solo2 internal slot doesn't work
    automaticaly with the viaccess card as the dream800hd do, I had to instal oscam-svn10077/cccam-2.1.3 witch now do the job fine.

    The problem that I encountered is that the connection between the two boxes that I used before does not work anymore.
    Mybe I've got to do something in the oscam configuration but I can't figured out what I'm missing.

    Hi annie12,

    can you clarify a little bit please!

    Right now I deleted the oscam/cccam config on the solo2 and installed just the cccam 2.1.3 and my connection to the other box is working perfectly.

    But right again when I setup the oscam/cccam on my solo2 the same connection to the other box with cccam does not work anymore.

    Can you be a little more specific?

    In my solo2 cccam.cfg goes F: test1 test2

    in the other box cccam.cfg goes C: ip adress test1 test2

    Do I need to setup something else?


    Hi people!

    Till now I was using two dream 800HD boxes in my hose and shared my viaccess card from one box to the other using simply cccam.
    Last weak I bought a new Solo2, so from now I have to use oscam as card reader for my viaccess card. From
    the support server I downloaded the oscam-svn10077/cccam-2.1.3 and setup it. Everything is working perfectly on the Solo2, just I can't get the connection working to the other box
    that uses cccam. My two boxes are configured as described in the turorial How to setup an internal share w/ CCcam. (Basic Guide Only)

    Does it make any difference using oscam/cccam to cccam compared to cccam to cccam?
    Any hint, as I'm banging with my head to a wall?

    Thanks guys fo the direction. After a couple of hour of reading I finally completed the setup and all it's working fine.

    Thanks to your support server I just downloaded the Oscam-svn10077/cccam-2.1.3 and changed the requierd values.

    Just remember the sci0 slot of the Solo2 is the lowest one! (This is directed to some newbie like me comming here after me)


    cazuela yes I have the same setup, as the card didn't need some special treatment. It just worked fine with any version of cccam.

    As I don't know much about oscam (just that is a card reader that works with cccam), can you diect me with some link to some good reading so I can do my homework.

    Thanks again!

    Hi people!

    I recently switched from my old dream800HD to a Solo2 and opted for the Black Hole 2.1.7 image.
    All is working smooth and fast but I still need some help. I have a viaccess card for RTV Slovenia Eutelsat 16A that perfectly worked on the
    old dream800HD in the CI slot just using Cccam. In the Solo2 the card doesn't seem to be recognized by the internal card reader, or the card reader doesn't work with Cccam.
    I have spent some time to search through the forum, but it is hard to search for something that you don't even know of what you are searching for!

    So, I will really appreciate if someone can give me some direction, so I can do some reading about the subject.

    Thanks in advance!

    Hi people,

    I would really like to thank the admins of this nice forum and especially @rami for helping me out with my DM 800 problem.

    After several tries and an incredible amount of time spent helping me out from the earlier mentioned people, we discovered that after uploading an image to the box I have to wait for cca 15 min of constant self-rebooting till the box shut down itself. Then I must unplug it from electricity, wait for a minute and then restart it and the image will boot without a problem. This situation is necessary just the first time I upload a new image, later it all works as it should.

    To alleviate the stress on the boxes flash I decided to use the plugin Dumbo, so I can have my favorite image in the USB memory key. Here I’m asking for a little help from you, is the latest openPLI image compatible with Dumbo and with what version? Please don’t call me lazy as I’m not trying it myself, but I’m afraid that my box will not stand to much testing any longer…

    Thanks in advance

    Hi guys I’m back with bad news.

    After coming back from work today I started working on my box with uploading the DE light image to flash and damn was that a mistake, as my box is yet again stuck in the boot loop!

    I have than repeated the process that worked last night but without success, my box after successfully uploaded the image is tuck on booting.

    I’m really at a point to throw my box out of the window.

    Is it something I can do, I can’t think that yesterday it worked like a champ with a beta openPLI image and today it does not.

    Thanks to all on this board!


    Lets try again!
    First I have to upload by serial cable an riginal image. Would the DM800 RELEASE 3.2.4 be fine or it must be a specific version?
    Than after it finishes I have to reboot the box and stop the boot to enter telnet mode, is it right?

    And than upload an PLI image to the box. I searched for the PLI image here but I really can't find it. Can you post a link?
