Posts by dainis_lv

    Please help me Ftp to my dm800 SE over WiFi. My dcc or filezila can`t see my dreambox over WiFi but no problem over the Lan. All settings in dreambox seams ok when i run network test all comes green and i get my ip address, subnet mask, pimary gateway and dns server. And when i log in to my rooter i can see dreambox connection but dcc just can`t see it when i run search and does not connect when entering ip address manually. Thanks

    Помогитете запустить oscam-ymod-18-t49 на VTI 6.0 ресивер Vu+uno. Скинул по фтп в /tmp Установил оскам.ипк через меню ресивера.
    Перезапускаю ресивер.Оскам появился в списке кам. Выбираю и запускаю зеленой кнопкой. появляется зеленая галочка на против оскама. Скидываю рабочие конфиги в etc/tuxbox/config где оригинальные файлы с заменой, перезапускаю оскам. На экране Малевич и оскам монитор молчит. Причем при установке оскама 1.10 из списка плагинов не каких проблем не возникает с теми же конфигами. Где загвоздка?

    Did you setup a new mount for your pc in vix?? in the network menu goto Mounts setup to do this.

    You mean this
    Menu/setup/system/network/mounts setup/mount manager/add new network mount point
    mount using...........FSTAB
    Local share name....PC
    mount type............CIFS
    server ip................
    server share...........Vu
    use as
    Press green button to save or OK. Then click Yes to change the share name, then restart Vu
    Go back to Menu/setup/system/network/mounts setup/mount manager
    Can`t find my PC

    ok is samba running in Vix?? menu/setup/system/network/samba setup

    When you have this running then ftp into your box and goto etc/samba in here you should see a samba.conf

    open & edit this file, under global you will see workgroup = (change this name to match the name of your home network).

    Yes samba is running and i did edit samba.conf to mutch my workgroup name. But I managed to see my vuuno on my W7 network only after installing NTFS-3g driver from plugins section in Vu but still can`t see my PC on Vu. ????

    Desperate to Set up Windows Network Share on my vu+ uno with windows 7 Ntfs hard drive. Try everything posted on this forum and all others forums too. I`m sure there is nothing wrong with my windows settings as i managed to set it up on BH image with no problem at all. Any help welcome.