Posts by dacegalvin1

    Hi KiddaC Thanks for all your help

    The problem was solved by going back to openatv 6.3 where EPGImport plugin was there installed IPTV All working now

    Hi Kiddac:whatthefuck::whatthefuck::whatthefuck:

    I have moved the box to to another room reflashed but still no EPGimport plugin i am coming to think its the Zgemma H92h box that's the problem because I have worked with a lot of Zgemma boxes i55 h2s h9combo h92s h3h Axis ect and no problems installing Openatv 6,4 with Wooshbiuld installing scripts this is a first for me

    also came across this file below today installed it with open webif terminal but it does not show in folder when installing it it looked like everything was good

    opkg update

    opkg install enigma2-plugin-extensions-epgimport

    opkg install enigma2-plugin-extensions-epgimport-rytec

    I have also tried your fix above but there is no EPGImport in browser plugin's or extensions its nowhere to be found cannot uninstall something that's not there

    flashed it today with 3 different builds grogsbuild wooshbuild infinity and willobuild same result no EPGImport I also removed from another box moved it with filezilla to ect folder but it still does not work :whatthefuck:

    just another thing this box blue screens if you try to flash from box

    Thanks for reply tried that its not there

    also its not in the list of plugin extensions

    can it be installed independently

    on 2 other boxes I have epgimport 1.0+git236 on both of them with the same install openatv 6.4 and wooshbiuld

    I have flashed 100 boxes with this configuration but never came across this problem

    any help would be appreciated thanks


    Flashed Zgemma H92h box today with Openatv 6.4 and Wooshbuild infinity during installation It doe not scan for channels when its finished there is no EPG plugin also its not in the list of plugin extensions

    Installed IPTV Script but when I went to create bouquets it says no EPGImport plugin :derpthink: