Posts by dede1988

    dede1988 your image could be missing dependencies (which image).

    install the plugin in telnet.. this method will show you any errors, if any.

    use this command opkg install -force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk

    Hi, thank you. I did this.

    Now, I can see the plugin.

    But when I go to My Feeds - My subscriptions - Newest Vids it shows the message "Error while creating list, Try later again"

    This is the most important feature for me. I can see my subscriptions and I can play single vids.


    I use the Gigablue UHD UE 4k Box with OpenATV 6.3. I have copied the IPK in temp and installed it the normal way. The installation process was successful. But now I cant see the plugin in the Plugin section. What I am doing wrong?