Posts by adesogus

    beowolfe, that's exactly what I've been doing so far, but somehow I'm failing in some steps as the plugins are not re-installed in the new version because of the prevented access to the feeds.

    So maybe I would have to review the steps:

    - install the new pure2 image;

    - do not install the saved settings when asked after the image installation;

    - configure the instance wifi to point to the mobile phone hotspot;

    - download, install and configure vpn manager via the feeds;

    - once active the vpn then load the backup settings including all the plugins that were installed in the previous image;

    Are these the correct steps?

    I'm only worried that in the last step if I load the settings then it will switch the VPN off, and then it is not capable of re-installing all the previous plugins. Which I think it is what happens to me every time I install a new image version, and end up re-installing all the plugins from zero.

    Please let me know if I'm doing anything wrong in my steps :-)

    Something funny to add...

    the first time I downloaded manually the image from their website, everything was working perfectly and I could also access the forum.

    When I installed the image in my zgemma, then someone (ISP or the Pure2 team) banned my IP address :-D

    Since then I haven't been able to access the feeds and the forum

    Thanks evlasenko!

    I used to have OpenPLi on my dreambox and it was actually very good. A bit basic though, but as I'm more interested into stability and continuous improvements, I think OpenPLi can be a very great alternative to PureE2.

    Do you know if we can install the FNC plugins from Pure2 in OpenPLi? Some of them are extremely awesome!

    Hi Folks!

    I have been using pure2 on my H9s for some months now, after testing various other images, which never convinced me.

    Pure2 is a neat image and it is especially great with the extra own plugins.

    However, my problem with pure2 is that I can only keep it up to date by connecting via a VPN, because somehow the pure2 feeds (but in general the domain) are not accessible to me, probably due to a ban of my IP address (don't know if it is from my internet provider or from the pure2 admins). It is all ok for example if I need to use the FNC plugins, as I just activate the VPN. But it is a complete mess if I need to install completely a new version of the firmware. I explain why...

    When the box restarts after the new firmware version is installed, I need to restore all the settings and the plugins. But because at the time I'm not via a VPN anymore (the plugin is not installed by default), it fails to restore all the plugins (because it cannot connect to the pure2 feeds), so every time I need to reinstall all of them manually.

    So, here my questions:

    - can any of the pure2 admin who reads this forum, check if there is a ban of my ip?

    - has anyone else experienced the same problems, and how you resolved it?

    - even if you haven't had these problems, do you have any tips for me to continue using PURE2, as I really love it???

    - in an extreme scenario, where there is no solution with my problem? What's the nearest best image for a ZGEMMA? I've tried Openvix and OpenATV (currently using the last one), but I don't fully like them? Any other images worth trying?
