Posts by BextrH

    he doesn't know ... ar

    I have to do it differently

    at this point, this script has been added to the downloaded version

    this script should theoretically install ZOOM on dreambox even if it is not there, I have no way to try

    needed ... curl

    put in /tmp/

    commands ....

    chmod 755 /tmp/



    I hope this Dreambox recognition will work

    thank you in advance for information about whether the update works on Dreambox, I don't have Dreambox

    Hello BextrH

    I've been using zoom with OE2.5 and OE2.6 with (almost) no problem. The only thing that I can not make work is the actualization or the updating the plugin from within the plugin itself. When I try it, it connects to the server, starts the process, and than suddenly restarts enigma2. The result is that the plugin is uninstalled instead of being updated. I think that is because the plugin first uninstalls the old version, then downloads the update in ipk format, and since this is OE2.6 (or OE2.5) cannot install it. As a result I end up with the plugin uninstalled, instead of updated. I wonder if it is possible for the updating process, to download the update file as a *.tar installable and install it.

    Thanks again for your work.

    Updates cannot work on your device because your device does not support installation (IPK)

    In the update, I would have to make sure that the update recognizes that it is a dreambox, and then IPK manually unpacked and copied the files and gave the rights.

    I don't have a dreambox, so I can't.

    A few months ago, I tested the ability to run scripts on my phone. Android is basically Linux and contains commands. It just has a slightly different directory. Maybe this would be a good way for you to test scripts if you don't have an enigma device.

    I used a phone ... Xiaomi redmi note 5

    curl was already part of him.

    I used an application to run scripts .... SManager

    welcome back mino6060

    I have no experience with dreamboxing.

    It can use other commands to install.

    There are forums where my downloader publishes, and there are experienced people who convert it to deb. Try searching on other forums.

    Thank you for your understanding and I apologize.

    ...................update ZOOM

    VPN adjustment

    After changing the IP address via VPN, you should download the specific server again. Otherwise only once a day.

    I'm not sure what happens when several users use the same IP VPN. ???

    In the list of servers you will find two that remember your IP and generate only once a day for one IP address.

    The first server does not generate the same IP address. For another yes.

    The second server generates the same line on one IP. Generates another server on another IP.

    I'm leaving for work for 12 hours, then I'll be available again


    I discovered a problem with the same IP address on OpenPLI

    In OpenATV ... OK

    plugin ... ZOOM as I call it abbreviated is ....

    basically just a script launcher nothing more.

    if you get a plugin for py3 that can run scripts, you can put scripts from ZOOM in it and it will work exactly the same for you. ZOOM is a handy tool that aims to download servers, then you can view, save, restore from backup, convert, test ....

    You can also download important accessories like curl, Oscam, CCcam, Ncam, Gcam ....

    Over time, I added various features for downloading various IPTV, m3u, other plugins ......

    Unfortunately, over time, some sites have stopped working and, as a result, some features have stopped working. I'm sorry, but I can't fix bad features or try to fix them. I only keep ZOOM alive. I can't repair or replace damaged servers. And I don't have any others to replace the servers with. Sometimes I'm a little scared to create something new because it's a huge responsibility to give people another function that may not work in a few days. I'm also afraid I'll make a mistake that will fly around the world after the release of the new version.

    Many years ago, I downloaded various softcam.key and various inventions of large companies from certain satellite sites. My plugin is also available for download today. It's a huge honor for me and I'm happy about it, on the other hand it's a huge responsibility because I don't have a team of programmers, but I only have myself and a few commands in my head. Perhaps you will understand everything I write. Thank you all for your support.

    Each function could be done better and differently. On the other hand, because I only use basic commands, other users can learn and it is easier for them to understand everything and start inventing something themselves.

    I'm sorry, but I won't do py3 because I can't and I don't know how to start. I have no experience with py3.

    Most of the functions were created only with the basic commands, which I gradually learned. I have no education in programming. Just what I read on the internet. Then I always get an idea and I try to do it amateurishly. Therefore, it may not work on another device. I do everything in my free time, which I don't have much. I do it for fun and for people. I don't expect thanks, but when someone thanks, they please and add to their taste for further work. But I won't think of more. What I'm going to create is more of a test toy. And all I can add is (FREE) and it will never be as good as a paid service. This ZOOM plugin does not prove everything, but a bit of everything. It's a good helper when you install a clean device, so you install everything important from it and you can start watching the broadcast. If I wanted ZOOM to work perfectly, I shouldn't go to work and have a family. If anyone ever wants to take over and improve ZOOM ... they have my blessing and can continue

    thanks for the questions even though there are really a lot of them

    I only have some time, I will try to answer some

    During the installation of the plugin, the scripts will be automatically adjusted to 755, if there is no error somewhere

    The menu size can be switched at the bottom of the main menu.

    install oscam, nacam .... these are just starter versions if anyone wants to install this plugin and from it just everything important for broadcast traffic operation. If I put every version there, it would take a lot of space and time. As for movies, IPTV ... I can't keep every function working. Many sites on which these features depend may eventually stop working. When the www address ends, the function also ends. It then generates errors. If I still had to fix all the features, I couldn't do anything else. I have to go to work for 12 hours to support my family. There is not much time left for repairs. VPN has been added as a trial version since yesterday. It's a FREE version so you can't expect it to be very good. Everyone must find and buy a good VPN.

    One more important piece of information ........ I'm just an amateur and therefore not everything may work!