Posts by Pardelhas4

    Pure E2 on VU Zero have not Audio all version from Pure E2

    Well, yes and no...

    it also happened to me that I had no sound after installing the Pure E2.

    And now?

    I made a "Backup" of Pure E2 "Yes, that was muted" and installed it on a stick to update later...

    I went back to installing my Black Hole that had always worked and to my surprise, it also had no sound now... It's curious because before this it had sound.

    Solution ? :

    First I installed the most current version of the original Software from VU + Zero, I restarted the box and I installed the Backup that I had previously done from Pure E2 (yes the one that had no sound) .

    And now everything works with sound... I'm happy again...

    Google translation...