Posts by donatods

    how can you say that in these conditions the ecmwhitelist = 09CD:B7,51 work ?
    Are you sure ?

    P.S. this is the correct statement
    ecmwhitelist = 09CD:B7
    ecmwhitelist = 093B:B7,51

    I meant that the only chance to be effective is to be used "immediately" after the activation, otherwise the problem being already in the card will give no chances. Abour 09CD:B7,51 I read of a single *** channel with a lenght parameter of 51. Deleting the 51 would prevent the clearing of this channel (eurosport?).

    As far as I know the right sintax for ecmwhitelist statement is ecmwhitelist =093b@000000: B7,51 and its semplified form, being the ident default value 000000, ecmwhitelist = 093b:B7,51.

    Being realistic, how can a whitelist be valid without a caid assigned value?

    As far as I know, the command ecmwhitelist = 09CD:B7,51 is effective ONLY if used "immediately" after the card activation done in the original box. In other words if the ecmwhitelist = 09CD:B7,51 is used only after the card already worked in an alternative decoder, the protection does not help.