Posts by vuplusuno

    Those... should really get a local.. Grin..

    However, for those set Re-Open mode to 1..
    This will open failed shares faster..

    Is this configuration ok?

    disablelog = 1
    loghistorysize = 1500
    serverip = xx.xx.xx.xx
    logfile = stdout
    clienttimeout = 10000
    fallbacktimeout = 1500
    clientmaxidle = 300
    nice = -20
    maxlogsize = 1000
    waitforcards = 0
    waitforcards_extra_delay = 0
    emmlogdir = /usr/keys/
    lb_mode = 1
    lb_save = 100
    lb_reopen_seconds = 500
    lb_retrylimit = 500
    lb_stat_cleanup = 500
    lb_reopen_mode = 1
    lb_savepath = /usr/keys/oscam.stat
    lb_nbest_percaid = 05:1
    resolvegethostbyname = 1
    failbantime = 60
    failbancount = 2

    And for those that do not have local cards and just reshare?