Posts by Twigman

    Catseye it seems the freqs have changed for BBC3 BBC4 Cbeebies among others on 28.2E.......My VU+ Uno only has 15/09/2012 as latest list.....

    If I DL a list from here, where do I FTP it to?

    Not sure how you get that info....

    Using web control on VUCC I see this:
    Brand: Vuplus
    Model: uno
    Chipset: 7405(with 3D)
    Frontprocessor Version: 0
    Total Memory: 275440 kB
    Free Memory: 209512 kB
    Box Uptime: 1:02
    Kernel version: 3.1.1
    Firmware version: BlackHole 1.7.6
    Gui version: Jul 7 2012-vuplus_experimental
    Tuner A: Vuplus DVB-S NIM (DVB-S2)
    Hard disk model: ATA(Hitachi HDS72105)
    Capacity: 500.107 GB
    Free: 488.031 GB
    Network interface: eth0
    DHCP: True
    Ip address:
    Subnet mask:
    Mac address: 00:1d:ec:03:f9:39

    Now last time I did basic maths 275440kB is WAY less than the advertised 512Mb.....

    you have filled your flash. which is not good for the health of the image.

    How do I empty it?

    How have I filled my flash?

    I have only got BH1.7.6 and the Catseye channel lists on here...

    I haven't installed any plugins

    I was trying yo get VLC so i could stream vids from my comp HDD across the network but it wouldn't install from the software management/software list so was looking to grab it through TS PAnel.

    Vu+ UNO BH1.7.6
    Trying to install TS Panel
    FTP the ipk to /tmp
    Green/Yellow select ipk OK

    get an error claiming No Space On Device

    Green Screen

    Total restart - have to setup everything including positioner Long/Lat etc....

    Flash is showing 100% used - is this normal?
    HDD is empty
    RAM just <40%

    Sorry if these are dumb questions but have had this a week and still trying to get my head round it.

    I am trying to install VLC on my UNO BH1.7.6

    If I go to Software management/Software and select VLC player then Green to install then OK it sayd that 0 packages have been installed/deleted so I assume it has done nothing.....

    I can't find VLC anywhere on the box....

    How can I fix this?

    with 1 card you dont need to have your box plugged in to phoneline
    with multiroom subs sly insist you have both boxes plugged in to phoneline

    I haven't had either Sly box plugged into phone for years now...for last 2 years cards been in different problems at all.