Posts by dygey1

    went further and downloaded another one from here Oscam emu ALL Images mips--arm .ipk .deb as mentioned before in this topic. same stuff, it collected some errors and nothing more happend after reboot.

    i'm starting to get very frustrated here, for what seems to be a simple thing...such a headache? what about configuring it, because i understand it needs

    that too? what the hell is going on here, because i'm almost at a point of losing my temper...

    i'm on it.

    i've had it uploades to usr/bin after reading around in this topic Tutorial : How to install softcam (OSCam/CCCam) manually, if you hate ipk packages but now i've deleted it and will proceed to what you both wrote.

    going to do that and i'll be gettin' back here.

    EDIT: and i'm back. after downloading and extracting the file @teak-won-do mentioned (

    (730.78 kB, downloaded 4 times, last: An hour ago))

    i moved it to tmp> / var / temp after adding a .ipk termination for the file (it was missing, had none...) via dcc-e2 and used the remote. it shows that's it's doing something, but after that at the end it

    displays some errors and it asks for reboot. after rebooting, should i find it somewhere or what's next to do?

    Hi s3n0.

    First of all i would like to thank you for the reply.

    Unfortunately, even after your reply i'm not very far from the starting point. Wanting to learn, i've managed somehow to figure out Putty, to the point

    of finding out that my Vu+ has "armv71", which i've already found in the specs at the purchase time. But hey, i have learnt something! :)

    From this point, even after reading the tutorial you mentioned, i'm still in the dark. To give you more details of what i'm trying to do around here, i

    should say i'm trying to see a FocusSat Romania Conax card in my Vu+ (just see it beind detected if i can express myself this way, because i do not

    have my dish pointed to 0,8W at this moment) and to become familiar with softcams for possible "further" use. My Vu+ Zero 4K has BlackHole

    installed on it.

    All these being said and if possible, please point me to the right oscam/cccam/whatever you wanna and to a decent and safe source for downloading

    it. Since i'm a beginner, i also have some trust issues about downloading the first things i see on the internet to my box, only to become even more

    frustrated and annoyed than i already am. Hope i don't ask too much or being ridiculous.

    Hi there.

    First of all, i should mention that i'm a complete newbie to Linux / E2 / everything else than proprietary STB's.

    I will include this...let's say disclaimer in all my posts for a while so that you know what you're gettin' into.

    So, i've (still) got a Zero 4K and trying to learn stuff, i've concluded that i want to install OSCAM on it, just don't

    know which one too choose from those down below. Any help would be highly appreciated and if you have

    any advices for configuring it (if that is necessary), please share that too.