Posts by Arhimed

    Good day! In ATV, you can also expand the memory. However, the work of the h9S box in the memory expansion mode is unstable, I repeatedly encountered a failure to boot the system after turning off the electricity. One day the system suddenly crashed out of the blue and it was possible to restore the backup only by removing the memory card and using a very old backup. After that, I stopped using this mode. During this winter, due to bad weather, electricity was lost about 50 times - the box always starts successfully.

    Я хотел попробовать PurE2 на этом H9S, но не уверен, что пока останусь с OpenATV.............

    Open ATV has a regular program for creating backups. Take another flash drive which is determined by the receiver. I use 8 GB and my H9s box good runs on Open ATV 7. I think the best images are ATV and Pli. Save the system settings in the same way, and then when you update the image, your settings are automatically restored. In this case, there is a corresponding message on the boot screen. Good luck!

    Взаимодействие с другими людьми

    Ставлю ваше изображение и должен сказать, что оно очень быстрое и графически красивое, но у меня проблема, не могу показать AStra в конфигурации тюнера

    I solved a similar problem like this - using the dream-edit program I downloaded satellites / channels from my receiver. I found a list of channels for the missing satellite on the Internet and copied and pasted these channels into my own with the help of a dream-edit. Then I poured this editable list into the receiver - the satellite and channels appeared, rescanned this satellite and left the channels I needed. Otherwise, my H9S receiver could not turn the dish to this satellite.

    Hello! I solved the same problem with the DM380 motor. My receiver is zgemma h9s. You need to find the point after separating the Usals and + 12V signal, unsolder it and apply external power from the + 12V unit with a current of 2-3A. Good luck!

    Thanks for your help but this solution will be expensive for me. I live on a 6th floor apartment block and my dish is just beyond reach for me. It will cost me less to buy a cheap receiver than to pay a technician to modify the motorised setup for me.

    It's a pity my friend, then it only remains to use an old satellite receiver such as OpenBox 8 ** series or GI 7 **** for turning and reconnect the receiver each time. Microminiaturization has done its job - there is a fast processor, 4k support and a motor blade. Good luck!

    The device description says "current limiter". Its structure is not clear. The receiver does not have enough current. With the standard connection of the motor, the receiver output was blocked. Perhaps your device will work, but I used 3 meters of wire and connected it to the power circuit of the +12 V surveillance cameras.

    A similar problem was a very long time ago with the SS1 computer board and the STRONG 2100 motor.